Discussion: Trump Cracks That Critics Want Him To 'Call The FBI' After Meeting The Queen

Why would he be nervous? He’s proven time and again his supporters are fine with him destroying the country they purport to love.

The asymmetry will always favor the recalcitrant parties. The media has to talk to people to make news, so the people that are willing to talk are going to get the kudos or the blame. But news consumers are more quick to blame than they are to commend. So the rancor disproportionately falls on those who are willing to risk committing themselves. It’s human nature.


how hard is it then ask the dotard “So you will take no exception to countries/entities with whom you you have been admittedly harsh, like Venezuela or Iran or NATO/EU, using their intelligence agencies to assist your Democratic opponent?”

Well, this is incompetence on full public display.

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You can drop the abstract part.


Actually he didn’t write the book that names him as the author. I suspect he may not even have read it.

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Well I did hear that there are some good candidates lined up to run against Cornyn. Beto was on Colbert last night explaining about that.

Mainly though, I think the entire GOP is going to pay. Trump is double digits losing in polls to Biden and to Warren and he loses to all of them by a decent margin which tells me the entire GOP is in trouble.


Just listened to Pelosi’s news conference and yes she thinks there is criminal coverup by the renegade WH occupant. However, the “I” word did not come up.

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I want this to be true. But i remember the Fall of 2016 when we all knew that Dems would win the presidency, the house and the senate. Such giddiness. Such anticipation. And then, lost all three.

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“America First” must mean… first in line to break the campaign finance law.

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Well don’t believe it then. I don’t care.

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Eh, fuck human nature. Humans suck.

Are we mice or are we (wo)men??

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Of course not. She is against it. Apparently, no matter what.

And her fan club will agree with anything she says, just like Donald Trump’s fan club.

Impeachment Now!

There are a lot of red states in the group of GOP Senators up for reelection. Although the GOP is defending many seats, it’s not exactly a daunting proposition considering the states they’re defending.

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Here’s what I’m worried about this morning.

Bolton is licking his chops over war with Iran. But it’s much more likely that the Houthi/Yemeni rebels are to blame. Iran’s not going to jeopardize their nation by blowing holes in tankers.


He’s disconnected from reality.

What’s new?

Have a trial in the Senate and make 'em vote. It is a lose-lose vote for them either way. Plus it would motivate Democratic voters.

I can see three already in that line up that could have a shot at a Democratic win, maybe even four…and that’s all we need to take back the Senate. But like the House, you don’t win if you don’t try…and we should try everywhere.


Every Repub should be asked to repudiate Trump’s comments. Especially McTurtle.

And we aren’t going to war with Iran. Why aren’t we? Because Trump doesn’t want to.

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