27m27 minutes ago
Being nice to Rocket Man hasn’t worked in 25 years, why would it work now? Clinton failed, Bush failed, and Obama failed. I won’t fail.
He would have been put in a padded room and all electronics removed from his person along with the nuke code card.
That’s aside from the historical incongruities here that I discussed up thread. I beleieve any and all abilities to launch should be taken away from trump RIGHT FUCKING NOW… It’s a matter of continued survival of our species that has zero to do with borders, countries, or ideologies.
Blowing off a couple big nukes in North Korea will send radioactive fallout across Japan, Part of Siberia, the Pacific ocean (does anyone here eat fish??) and The West Coast of America. It would be unavoidable. And deadly.
All true. The idea of America as their implacable enemy is part of their unifying national myth.
Unless he is really thinking of doing something I can’t imagine what he thinks he gains by poking Kim with a stick. The only reason to do that is to make Kim act first and then Trump has an excuse but hell he’s already set off several missiles and that’s the only excuse he’ll give us unless Kim makes a strike on Guam and I would be shocked because Kim is crazy maybe but somebody there knows that they can’t reach us with their missiles but we can sure reach them.
And I don’t get what he thinks Clinton, Bush and Obama were trying to accomplish that they failed to accomplish that he’s going to get done.
[quote=“mattinpa, post:9, topic:63098”]
It would be absolutely unheard-of in a sane nation or at any previous point in our history. Unheard-of.
[/quote]And the Republican leaders’ in Congress demands to straighten out U.S. diplomacy and foreign relations will be coming soon, I’m sure. Shhhh. I think I hear the criticism of Trump coming from McConnell and Ryan. No. False alarm. It was just someone farting.
If Tillerson were truly having a positive effect on Trump’s behavior and foreign policy, there might be a good patriotic reason for him to stay. The same observation can be made about General Kelly. I’m really tired of the argument that these are all heroes preventing Trump from doing the wrong thing. If they were to resign en masse, they might make a strong statement that something has to be done about this administration.
Everybody’s waiting on Mueller. Nobody’s going to do anything.
On the bright side,Trump’s vehemently denying that he’s negotiating. Given his track record of truthfulness…
ObamaCare says Hello.
Border Wall says why am I still not there?
ISIS says why are we still around?
Mexico says Fuck You instead of paying for the wall.
Neither does the dotard-in-chief, but he compulsively frames everything in terms of winning and losing, and he’s the only one who is allowed to win. His ego can’t deal with any other scenario, regardless of reality.
Though ‘45’ tried to backtrack from that position,
“[Kim] is acting very badly. He is saying things that should never, ever be said. And we’re replying to those things, but it’s a reply, it’s not an original statement,” he said during a press conference with Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy at the White House.
even pie crust is firmer than his explanation for that UN tweet.
Is Trump crazy or is he just plugged into the zeitgeist of Republicans who thought Obama was too timid in foreign affairs? Maybe both.
I’m not defending Trump in anyway, but we have to remember almost half the country is just irrational. They really think tough talk will translate into countries cowering in fear, which is obviously ridiculous. But that doesn’t seem to matter.
Trump loves tough talk and he knows his base does too. And that’s all that matters to him. If it leads, inadvertently, to a war…oh well…
The quote you offer from trump makes no sense at all but then, we are talking trump here. And trump is not one who should be correcting someone who should never ever say something