Discussion: Trump Continues Twitter Tirade Against Negotiating With North Korea


Half an hour ago trumo posted this:

  Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump        

27m27 minutes ago
Being nice to Rocket Man hasn’t worked in 25 years, why would it work now? Clinton failed, Bush failed, and Obama failed. I won’t fail.
Kim Jong Un is 33 years old. And trump is saying we were negotiating with an 8 year old when Bill Clinton was President.
Think on that use of language.
Now Young Master Kim came to power in 2011 after the death of his dad Kim Jong Il. That would make Young Master Kim 27 years old at the time of his ascendancy. Rather difficult to have spent the last 25 years hassling with this “rocket man”.
Trump’s the fool here it seems.
One point of order here. 25 years ago Bush senior was in office and soon to be followed by Bill Clinton. Our president is unaware of American history.


Resign, Rex. If he doesn’t need a State Department, what makes you think he needs you?


The only thing Donald will achieve that past presidents didn’t is in getting many millions killed and many more millions irradiated. Son of a Bitch.


He is right, of course. Failure (well, recognizing failure) is not an option. It’s not even a cognitive possibility.

Whatever happens, no matter how catastrophic, he will call it a victory. The “losers” will be the ingrates who fail to praise him. Or, even worse, the ones who don’t survive. Or are captured.


To trump an ingrate is somebody attending a Pilates class.
Somebody needs to take that man’s phone away.


Rex won’t resign – too much money to be made. Just think of the Stater Department as one big taxpayer-funded arm of Exxon-Mobil. Rex Tillerson does.


How is the president hoping to resolve “the issue?” If not by talking it seems he is choosing war as his first choice? Very sad times. Someone that has the legislative power please step forward and start the constitutional process of removing him from office.


It hardly seems noteworthy these days, with everything in a Trump government being chaotic and improvised as a matter of course, but the State Department and the Oval Office have been wildly contradicting each other again about a matter of war and peace between two nuclear-armed nations. It would be absolutely unheard-of in a sane nation or at any previous point in our history. Unheard-of.


The question is not what Trump feels he needs it is what we the people need and indeed the world needs. We know we do not need an impulsive third grader choosing between war or peace.


Tillorsen is Russian stooge and a worthless, crooked and incompetent Putindickholster like the Anusmouth he works for. Tillorsen has no self respect despite being treated like a piece of excrement.


I’m pretty stunned by this, to be honest, even though I know I shouldn’t be. If the “purpose” of Trump’s tough talk against NK was to get them to come to the negotiation table and work with Tillerson on some kind of long-term deal to ax their nukes [which actually, against all odds, seems to be happening], this latest tired completely files in the face of that. Why do this? Why publicly undermine your own SoS like this? I dunno, man, I just don’t know. Trump’s gonna get a bunch of people killed because he’s a narcissistic fool who wants to act like a big boy.



We appreciate that you and the crew, are staying on top of all of these continuing stories/antics/responses over this weekend.




Plus his wife told him it was God’s plan - or something like that.


What does it take to convince the human Q-Tip that this Orange Shit-Stain MUST be removed from office? Waiting until after he starts a nuclear war with the People’s republic of China will be rather too late.


Too much heat on one front? Shiny Object Routine! But for him the shiny object are incendiary tweets. No objection per his real job - except to distract, attack, and self-promote.

Oh and get some kind of high/fix by counting the number of likes and retweets that show up and prove that he is the bestest world leader on twitter!


Trump’s book lists 11 negotiating tactics – so how’s he doing with respect to North Korea?

  1. Think big FAIL
  2. Protect the downside FAIL
  3. Maximize the options FAIL
  4. Know your market He knows his base, but nothing else
  5. Use your leverage FAIL
  6. N/A
  7. Get the word out PASS
  8. Fight back FAIL (fighting like a petulant child doesn’t count)
  9. Deliver the goods FAIL
  10. Contain the costs FAIL His costs, yes. Ours, no.
  11. Have fun FAIL

Not even following his own advice! I know you’re all --shocked–.


I wonder how many fake accounts he has… :grin:


Kim Jong Un’s and his family’s legacy of holding a tight grip on power in NK has been due, in no small part, to convincing the populace that the United States is hostile to its entire interests and existence. Trump foolishly hands the NK leadership propaganda re-enforcing that same message thereby bolstering them and that notion. The security of South Korea, Japan, and the nearby countries is secondary to Trump’s manic ego.