Discussion: Trump Confuses Clinton's Running Mate With Former Republican New Jersey Guv

He’s pulled so much out of ass he should be losing weight by now


Bill Clinton is running for First Gentleman.

Donald Drumpf is running for First Doofuss.


Nothing knows nothing like this know-nothing.


I was actually wondering that.

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In addition to releasing his income taxes, Trump should release his medical records. Mental illness!!

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Trump has severe mental issues!
As the election progresses we will see more and more of them revealed!


Of course, Donald will blame the sound system for the gaff – “I couldn’t hear the question.”

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You can’t always get what you want.

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Tear the Toupe Off the Sucker!


To expand on albesure’s source, Kaine proposed $1 billion tax increase for transportation (taxes on auto insurance, purchases, registration, and steeper fines), which would remain over his 4 year term (hence the $4B figure). “That’s a misleading number. State tax increases are typically valued by the yearly revenues they produce. So this is more accurately described as a $1 billion tax increase,” which did not pass the legislature.


But she was really hip with Funkadelic, especially on One Nation Under a Groove.


FTW +1 +1 +1 etc…

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Also, Kaine’s popularity in Va is huge.


“Kean, a Republican, served as governor of the Garden State from 1982-1990. Kaine served as governor of Virginia from 2006–2010.”

One of the key facets of dementia, whether Alzheimer’s related or not, is that long-term memory tends to stay intact, while short-term memories become more and more difficult to encode and retain. You do the math.


Performs well under pressure? Epic Fail.

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Old Tom Kean is still somewhat popular in NJ.

People forget how republican economics crashed just after he left office.

Then his Democratic successor tried to help balance the budget by adding sales tax on toilet paper and it got ugly. Fast.

Just go with the flow Donald…it doesn’t really matter to you (or it appears, the media) how many lies, half truths or plain ol’ made up BS you spew.

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Roanoke, that’s all over VA right. That’s really a palinesque all over - plane flew over on the way to Roanoke. And like he talked to actual people, pressed the flesh with his little grubby hands?

The dude is a chisler and a fraud, among other things, he thinks he’s really yanking our chains when he does this crap, but that just shows how immature, among other undesirable traits, he is. And all his die hard limbaugh type clone supporters? Equally immature, plus woefully ignorant.

Just keep repeating it till enough people figure it out I guess. Maybe the AG will indict him for violating state secrets after he blows it from his presidential briefings, eh.

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Kaine, Kean, New Jersey, Virginia, Truth, Lies. What difference does it make?


Maybe, but most likely they’re dumber than he is.