Discussion: Trump Confirms He Called House Repeal Bill 'Mean,' Claims Obama Copied Him


It’s an Obama Jedi mind-trick: get Trump all pouty about using the word “mean” (“I said it first” - like a 5 year-old) just in time to remind us that this Senate Bill, like the House Bill is, in fact, really mean to a large segment of the populace.

So Senators on the fence can now be asked: “Do you share the President’s opinion that this Bill is mean?”

Damn clever that Barrack.

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You have only the BEST words!

For me, the biggest dick move on McConnell’s part is pretty easy to define…

When he was a child, he contracted polio. ALL of his treatment and recovery was provided by ‘publicly funded’ health care. All of it. He lives and walks today thanks to “government sponsored” healthcare.

And now he’s trying to kill that. Deny it to the rest of us. I guess only HE was good enough to enjoy it. The rest of us can just fuck off and die…

The ultimate dick award, if you ask me.

(Pardon my language, but Turtle Dick pisses me off even more than Trump does. His 8 years of obstruction and destruction under Obama did more harm to our way of life than any other politician I’ve had the displeasure of knowing…)


Ahhh, Elvis (Costello)… such a wordsmith!

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So? Obama using Trump’s own word would be the very point!

If it passed and made it through conference would he Veto it? Nope. If he crosses McConnell and the gang, they will throw him under the Moscow bus.

Everyone who gets into a name calling contest with him loses, that’s HIS game.

Obama has kept his cool, and his approval is UP while Trump is DOWN.


If even an idiot like Trump can recognize this bill as mean, you know it’s mean.

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The family business is a projection racket.

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Sure let us know how any respectable person gets “hosed” by a demonstrable serial liar it is more like a badge of courage to be excoriating by this know nothing nitwit…

Ummm, maybe so that lunatics like the current one don’t get into office? I would think the one good thing about our present “leadership” is that no one could possibly be so purer-than-thou as to claim both parties are the same.
I would be interested to hear what you think a better option is. We’re unfortunately living in a center-right country taken hostage by the batshit insane right, I don’t think anyone much to the left of Obama could be elected. People too pure to pull the lever for Clinton are a big part of the reason we’re being led by a lunatic.
So, yes, put on your big boy/girl pants, go ring bells and make contributions and possibly be able to influence the Dems to move a bit more to the left. Or, ya know, you can whine on random blogs about how the party isn’t tough enough for you.
And “pussies”, really? That’s the way you try to insult someone?

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Is he a child? “Obama’s copying me.” I said it first!

I doubt there is anything Trump can do to pull Obama into a war of words. If Obama went through 8 years of insults from all of the republican house and senate caucus and never reacted in kind, there is very little to nothing that Trump can say to rankle Obama. Imagine Trump being shouted down during a State of the Union address, accused of lying.

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“He actually used my term, mean. That was my term. Because I want to see, and I speak from the heart, that’s what I want to see. I want to see a bill with heart,” Trump said in an interview on “Fox and Friends” with Pete Hegseth.

TANTRUM time .

Trump definitely has a certified personality problem.

You know if you look up mean in the dictionary you’ll see my picture not Obama!

You are entitled to your opinion. You will notice that ‘pussy’ was in quotes. Is that yet another word we have to take out of our lexicon? Even when making an oblique reference to a remark?

Barack should’ve tossed in shitty and biggest transfer of wealth to the already rich ever on top of fundamentally mean.

Its very hard to believe that we are even debating this but the Republicans are this mean and Trounce is their rubber stamp.

May they all drown in the ramifications.

Trump is so obsessed with Obama that he can’t stop letting everyone know that he told everyone FIRST that the bill was mean! And so the meanness of the bill bounces around the cybersphere . . .


Disparaging and offensive, women collectively, regarded as sex objects, the vulva or vagina, a woman’s genitals.

We knew trump was a pig when he used it the way he did in October but it’s been used nearly every day since in comments about politics. It’s tiresome and insulting and too bad you don’t recognize that…

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