Desite winning the second debate in a landslide (every poll)
Each of his children count as a separate poll.
This should get ugly, but just imagine how much uglier it would get if Ryan were a woman
Give him his due, he can get more bragging, lying, and whining into a few dopey-sounding words than any other loser alive or dead. Never been anyone quite like him for being pathetically insane on a grand scale.
At least no talk about “2. amendment solutions”
For the moment. He’ll get back to that when it finally sinks in that he’s down in the polls.
He’s got to blame it ( a loss) on someone besides himself. Like he does with all his business losses.
I wonder if the Secret Service had a little father-son chat about his really, really needing to cut that shit out if he didn’t want to see charges. I think they’d be derelict if they hadn’t.
what’s wrong with this statement?
he’s a crappy leader who can’t get anything done but I can’t win without his support…
besides the poor grammar…
Well, I have a feeling Ryan is the closest thing to p----- that Trump is going to be hitting for a while.
The panic has set in. Trump and his surrogates sound completely delusional. They think that, if they get up there and lie about the debate, people will believe them. The problem is that, after almost a day of clips, no one is buying that.
OT, but I live in a rural area that fades into what passes for suburbia. On my way to work, a farmer always has signs for Repubican candidates in his field. The big ones - 4 x 8 and larger. The HOTOG sign he had up Friday morning is gone this morning.
It ain’t just weasel boy’s support he’s losing, and that’s what’s gonna hurt.
Paul Ryan’s behavior towards Trump has been vile and amoral. I think it is time for all Trump supporters to leave the Republican party. They should vote Trump but vote for non-Republican candidates in the Senate and Congressional races.
Not hard enough, Donald.
Trumph whining? This asshole did not anticipate that Ryan is for Ryan, not for some Russian-ass-sucking capitalist. Not to worry: Putin will take care of this loser!
The problem is they do believe the lie
Turn on Faux News for 5 minutes
It’s bizzarro world
Trump won the debate and Anti Hillary all negative all the time.
Wikileaks, Emails , Benghazi , Bills’s scandals…prosecute her Good Idea!
They talk like nothing is wrong
Hahaha, it’s so fitting the ultimate lesson they draw will be that the Republicans would’ve won the election if not for Paul Ryan.
I’m starting to let myself feel optimistic about capturing the house. How many Trump supporters won’t be supporting down ballot once this feud begins?
I’m wondering if the party will split after the election into Trumpites and the few non-Trumpites.