Discussion: Trump Complains About The 'Ridiculous Standard Of The First 100 Days'

I wouldn’t trust anything spewing from George Will’s face. He spews drivel about baseball and claims to be a baseball expert and I find that laughable. And then there’s his pontification on the happenings of the day as if he knows all and sees all. A pundit without portfolio.

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Can we assume this is the same asshole that was going to get a bunch of things accomplished on inauguration Day? Well, they gave him another three months to do anything beyond inane executive orders and insulting our long standing allies and…you guessed it…bupkis…his brain dead supporters STILL DON’T GET IT…he is a loser of the first order.

He should complain:

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Crybaby in Chief.

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Whining titty-baby man says what?

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I agree he won’t make 4 years, but I am estimating more like October of 2018. Isn’t time someone started a pool on these boards?

Could do the pool in the hive since you’re a prime member…

No … no … no … you can’t hold him to what he said because that was a yu-fun-nisn ! Or you might be taking him seriously or literally … you can’t do that … he is only the President.

Now I know … it’s you press guys … it is fake news … yeah, that’s the ticket. Fake news !!

Per your link…(made my day btw)


Yeah. Just a short time ago this is who we were showing the world we are. sigh


Trump, Special Victims Unit.


He is right, that 100 day standard is for real presidents who have spent years thinking about and polishing real proposals they have made. Real presidents who have actual policy wonks on staff and ready to go on day one. Presidents who have working relationships with actual political parties, sometimes both political parties.

Trump shouldn’t be held to that standard. He only got into this president thing to burnish his brand and to piss off Barack Obama after all.

"Trump Complains About The ‘Ridiculous Standard of the First 1300 Days’
By Caitlin MacNeal Published August 13, 2020, 8:45 AM EDT

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Ummm, Trounce claimed greatness in first 11 weeks, he claimed 13-which is 91 days about two weeks ago-which by his math makes him already at around 105.

Shit, he hit failure status pre-emptively and has sucked wind since then.

Firsts and El Dumbo are a bad match. His amazing first day was immediately postponed until further notice. This isn’t doable btw.

His first 100 days have been marred by Mar A Lago, rankled by Russians and basically a flotilla of failure.

He did gain his first 25 or 40, whatever, pounds in less than 3 months.
He has snuck his family in in record time-He’s #1 woohoo.
He is the first President to save Obamacare by trying to ruin it, so kudos I guess?
He is the first to worst and he did that in about 50 or 60 days.

Yeah, he’s a record holder extraordinaire alright!


Here’s another couple of entertaining graphics for the edification of those who didn’t grow up with Bert the Turtle:

“Mike” is the Ivy Mike test, America’s first thermonuclear device, “Bravo” is “Castle Bravo,” the first test of a “dry” nuclear device that used a powder, lithium deuteride, rather than liquid hydrogen isotopes as fusion fuel. Castle Bravo “ran away” beyond it’s projected yield resulting in Very Bad Things for some unsuspecting Japanese fisherman and coming close to killing a lot of spectators. It was quickly weaponized into our first generation of H-Bombs. It was about the size of the one Slim Pickens rode down to cinematic immortality.
The Tsar Bomba was the biggest device ever set off. Kruschev wanted a hundred, but there was literally nowhere in the USSR (and thus in the world) where a bomb that size could be set off without killing someone.

Yields in this graphic, from left to right are about 10 kilotons for Little Boy, twenty kt for the Trinity test in New Mexico, ten megatons for Ivy Mike, fifteen megatons for Castle Bravo, and 60 megatons for the Tsar Bomba.

Here’s a scale that lets you get a sense of the blast size for any given yield.

Most of the warheads in the U.S. arsenal delivered by by land or submarine based missiles are in the 475 kiloton range because bigger warheads produce more and bigger fallout clouds and, more importantly, a few smaller warheads dropped in on a given target on a suitable schedule designed to prevent fratricide do more damage than One Big Bomb because of the physics of explosions. We also have a stock of gravity bombs with yields of up to one megaton. Most American nuclear weapons may have “dial-a-yield” that enables their yields to be adjusted downward from their maximum yield.

The atomic bomb, with all its terrors, did not carry us outside the scope of human control or manageable events in thought or action, in peace or war. But when Mr. Sterling Cole, the Chairman of the United States Congressional Committee, gave out a year ago – 17 February 1954 – the first comprehensive review of the hydrogen bomb, the entire foundation of human affairs was revolutionized, and mankind placed in a situation both measureless and laden with doom.
. . .
What ought we to do? Which way shall we turn to save our lives and the future of the world? It does not matter so much to old people; they are going soon anyway; but I find it poignant to look at youth in all its activity and ardour and, most of all, to watch little children playing their merry games, and wonder what would lie before them if God wearied of mankind.

Winston Churchill, 1955.

What’s depicted in these two graphics is what Churchill was talking about. And what a lot of people decided we ought to do in 2016 was make, or through inaction allow, Donald Trump to become president.



The first 100 days of your presidency sets the tone for the rest.

If you haven’t already screwed over the masses with your AHCA, you’re not going to. You have too many opponents, even within the Republican party.

If you haven’t appointed necessary State Dept. personnel, you’re not going to. If you haven’t appointed DOJ ADs, you’re not going to, not within any reasonable time frame. If you haven’t destroyed the EPA, you’re not going to, facing

  • universal -

opposition to your plans.

If you haven’t even begun your lovely wall, you’re not going to. The GOP’s own Freedom Caucus opposition is enough to scotch that idea, when there are already so many more effective alternatives. Alternatives enumerated by your own Customs Dept.

Gosh. Politics is complicated. Who knew?

Hillary Clinton for one.

Early 2019 is my guess. After the midterms when Dems have regained control of the House, and if not the Senate, have scared the crap out of the GOP Senators up in 2020.

And it won’t be officially for the Russian issues, but rather over emoluments. Because they won’t be able to read the Russian evidence into public record.

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Great post Steve, thank you. I’m up on this stuff but I’ve never seen a graphic like that Popular Mechanics one. Yikes. I’m fairly certain that the average schmoe walking around has no idea what is really meant by “Nukes”.

Been stuck in my head for fourteen years now. And most people have no grasp of the difference between what North Korea has now and what it aspires to do (but, honestly, lacks a place where it can test it safely if it does).

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Trounce hasn’t gone bankrupt or grabbed any pussy in the first 100 days, that’s something.
Trounce is still POTUS despite mountains of evidence of numerous tentacles of guilt.
Trounce hasn’t been ratted out yet and hasn’t killed an American rat yet. **Note: he still has a week and a half.
The King of Tiny hasn’t deported his own wife, yet, that shows restraint.
No one is bombing back, yet, possibly waiting for day 101? **Note: Trounce is fighting wars against no one, and losing.

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