Discussion: Trump Complaining To Associates About Giuliani Media Appearances

“If I’m not up to it, I don’t know who is” actually made me laugh out loud.


So he’s been in Trump’s “inner circle” for what? Three weeks? Stellar. Management.


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HA! My bad.

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Yeah but they are from his loins, he expected them to be idiots.

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Once or twice these articles will mention 45* 's ‘inner circle’ or ‘associates’. Until now, I haven’t really thought about them as people. But, who willingly subjects themselves to this day after day. Gets up out of bed, buys a coffee, and then listens to tirades and endless whinings and complaints interspersed with boasting. He has no charm or charisma - what is it like to deal with that all day? He has no friends, and never did. So who is this inner circle but a group of paid lackeys.


The problem isn’t the messenger, it’s the lying, dissembling, hyper-aggressive bullshit they’re expected to spew on behalf of Don the Con. Who can convincingly keep that up for more than 2 minutes?


Rudy got Andrew a job in the White House as a liaison assistant, whatever that is.

Kellyanne Conway? Isn’t she a “lawyer” just like Rudy? Maybe she’s up next. It would be in keeping with the trend.

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Ut oh
Rudy’s been getting to much tv time.
He might be setting himself up for a run on something at my expense.
I’ll have to keep an eye on him.
But first I will bad mouth him around here and see how he reacts.
He doesn’t seem as loyal as he said he would be.
This might not work out in my favor.
I like Rudy, great man, great man.
I wish Rudy well where ever he finds his next job. lol


A) Rudy the Rotten is getting more media attention than The Don.

B) He is explaining himself --no, no. Covfefe!!!

C) So long, farewell, we hate to say goodbye…

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“Who could have forseen this?”

obviously not trump (with multiple Rudy knives sticking out his back). when you hire the “hobgoblin from hell” as your legal counsel, there are consequences. (and not a lot of truth).

i love it. he goes on hannity and Fox & Friends and self-immolates. rudy can’t even hit a t-ball. it’s moving too fast for him.

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You cannot put two black holes of ego and insatiable desire for attention side by side for very long before the explosion occurs. Rudy and Trump are cut from the same material of boundless narcissism and a desire to see their faces on TV 24/7. They represent a new illness that will later bear Trump’s name.

Less powerful than a locomotive.