I agree. What he says he knew and what he actually knew are completely different things in his mind. If it is good for him to know all about it, he knew all about it. That’s what he’d testify to under oath in court if that’s what was needed. But if a moment later it turned out knowing absolutely nothing about it would serve his purposes, he’d immediately testify under oath that he didn’t know anything.
And then he would INSIST that he was misunderstood and INSIST he had already answered the questions. This is what you get from someone with no moral compass or sense of shame. I’d be stunned if a judge upheld the ‘contract’ with Stormy, whether she took the money or not. She has to give the money back, however.
I don’t hold with that thing about explaining and losing. But when you’re trapped into explaining about a nondisclosure agreement, when the whole point of the agreement was not to disclose something, well, that’s sort of a losing deal.
while it was not under oath - it was before witnesses - and he is now on record as saying that he was unaware of the payment of $130,000.
he was in a far better position when he simply did not respond to the questions - it is almost like taking the 5th - once you provide one answer - even if it is a curt blunt answer to a question that annoyed you - you have opened the flood gates and have to contend with the onslaught of questions.
When he lies under oath, he will whine about how unfair the system is, and what the hell are we doing with such a stupid law. And the deplorables will cheer.
You betcha. No agreement. And PP was so looking forward to enforcing the provision for $1 million in liquidated damages if it was breached. He can kiss his cross-complaint good-bye. Sucker.
While i agree, my issue is that by throwing Cohen under the bus, he better hope that a) Avenatti doesn’t have any evidence that blows up that lie and b) Cohen’s loyalty is always there, because if it isn’t…
I don’t understand at all what you guys are licking your chops about. My attorneys routinely pay $130,000 to porn stars to stay silent about my trysts with them which never actually happen.