Discussion: Trump Claims He Stuck Up For Biden By Relaying A 'Softer' Version Of Kim's Insult

IDK–in every focus group or diner interview I can remember seeing even his supporters say they wish he’d knock this stuff off. Sure, there are asshole trolls who like the nyah-nyah childish hostility, but that’s not that many people. Regular conserva-moms and -dads don’t carry on this way themselves.


Indeed. Someone who is respectful and tries to keep their promises would be something everyone can get behind.


You are probably right
Did you see the Amash Town hall Videos?
Encouraging .
One of the key interviews after was a woman who was doubtful about what Amash was doing
She only listened to conservative Media and as far as she knew , Trump was exonerated and she was shocked to find out that wasn’t true.
Maybe it is time for an Impeachment inquiry to force the truth out
Once they American people know what he did as opposed to the Barr snow job
The truth will set them free


So let’s soften our criticism of Trump. He ain’t a mf racist, he’s just a plain old garden variety racist.

Oh, so everyone else WAS wrong to call him on his disgusting performance overseas after all !

The Democrats should have one single message: Trump is an ignorant buffoon and a national disgrace.

That seems to get under his skin more than anything else. And pretty much everyone agrees, including those who voted for him. Based on the footage of Amash’s town hall, people are sick of this - even those that think he was “exonerated”.


Exactly…or a version of it :laughing:

Trump would not be going through these legal gymnastics to keep information about him hidden if he were not the Guiltiest Man in North America.


Next up: “I was joking. Can’t you people take a joke?”

What an abject, contemptible coward.


A de-FOX detox, so to speak.

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“I was actually sticking up for Sleepy Joe Biden while on foreign soil,” he said, claiming he relayed a less extreme version of North Korean regime leader Kim Jong-un’s insult about Biden’s IQ.

We will not extend the same courtesy to you, motherfucker, no matter where you are.

“Hit them when they’re down, and keep going.” - Michelle Obama (i think.)



Bullshit donald

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He is SUCH a POS…I expect the Handmaids to run out today and INSIST DAMMIT that is what he was doing and WHY are Democrats such ‘sensitive souls’ and WHY are they picking on Donnie.

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I’m re-posting my comment from the first article on this topic.
I think the conversation between Kim and T---- must have gone something like this:
T: Dear Leader, I hope you don’t mind if I call you that, out of affection. I’m afraid for you if that nasty brute Bidan gets the presidency next year. He’s not nearly as nice as I am and might treat you badly.
K: Really? That dolt. I can’t stand him already. What can I do to help you?
T: I really can’t say! But, you’re so very smart. I’m sure you’ll think of something…On another topic, cyberhacking, espionage. I hear you’ve got the smartest, best computer whizzes. It’s so interesting what can be done from halfway around the world, don’t you think? Can they speak American?

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Apparently the rebuke on Fox struck a small nerve.


That aspect was interesting. He’s smirking here, thinking he’s so naughty and clever, but still it’s a response to the near-irresistible urge to deny and counter any criticism of any kind from any quarter. It doesn’t matter if you say he’s an authoritarian or you say he tapes his ties, he’ll flatly deny it all, even when he wants to show you what a little dickens he is like a spoiled 5-year-old whose rudeness is considered funny by his idiot parents. He is, in short, a mess.


And Joe would be like “meh.” Seriously, he was Obama’s VP, you think he hasn’t seen colorful insults?


" He is, in short, a mess."

(mess) cubed. your math was a bit off.

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he he …


This isn’t an attempt to spin anything. This is just a big “fuck you” to everyone who objected.