Discussion: Trump Claims He And McConnell Are ‘Closer Than Ever Before’

What was it Billy Martin said about Dave Winfield and George Steinbrenner? “One’s a born liar and the other’s convicted”? (Not yet, anyhow…both born liars and cowards.)


So I guess McConnell didn’t call him a moron to his face. That means they are good friends.

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The only question in my mind is, if in that moment, Trump thought he was telling his (c.f., “the”) truth. The truth that must be true, that he must believe as an article of existence. Of course Mitch loves me, everybody loves me, I’m the greatest, I’m bigly. Believe me!

My gut says yes, because the thing he is most sure of (on his “good days”) is that he is the best, most popular, winningest winner president to ever win.

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That picture should be the base of a new meme…

  • This is how much I know about _________
  • I care about _____ this much
  • I crusha my head
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And I hear he loves to mock Pence too. So that’s what love looks like in the GOP. Sick.

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So, they’ve hated each others guts from the very beginning, is that it, Donny-Boy?


Felix and Oscar. Besties. BS.

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Yeah, Like Fred McMurray and Barbara Stanwyck were closer than ever before in “Double Indemnity.”

Barton Keyes: Eh? There it is, Walter. It’s beginning to come apart at the seams already. Murder’s never perfect. Always comes apart sooner or later, and when two people are involved it’s usually sooner. Now we know the Dietrichson dame is in it and a somebody else. Pretty soon, we’ll know who that somebody else is. He’ll show. He’s got to show. Sometime, somewhere, they’ve got to meet. Their emotions are all kicked up. Whether it’s love or hate doesn’t matter; they can’t keep away from each other. They may think it’s twice as safe because there’s two of them,

Barton Keyes: [chuckles]

Barton Keyes: but it isn’t twice as safe. It’s ten times twice as dangerous. They’ve committed a murder! And it’s not like taking a trolley ride together where they can get off at different stops. They’re stuck with each other and they got to ride all the way to the end of the line and it’s a one-way trip and the last stop is the cemetery. She put in her claim… I’m gonna throw it right back at her.


This whole “impromptu” press conference was a doozy…even by trump standards.

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A veritable Festival of Derp.


And here’s where he lies about Obama not calling the families of fallen soldiers…


It just hit me…I know my parent used to mention an old term “got the DTs”

NOW…I think the country has the DTs…see my edit on the definition below:

noun, Pathology.
a withdrawal syndrome occurring in persons who have developed physiological dependence on alcohol, a need for the truth and good governance, characterized by tremor, visual hallucinations, and autonomic instability.

At least…I wish it was all hallucinations.


That PISSED ME OFF…so much. My god!


“My father taught me many things here—he taught me in this room. He taught me—keep your friends close but your enemies closer.” —Michael Corleone


“We have been friends for a long time…”

Total bullshit.


Closer to blows maybe.



"On November 9, Donald Trump was asked to remove himself from his place of residence.

That request came from his wife.

Deep down, he knew she was right, but he also knew that someday he would dump her.

With nowhere else to go, he appeared at the Washington home of his friend, Mitch McConnell.

Several years earlier, McConnell’s Army Reserve unit had thrown HIM out, requesting that HE never return.

Can two rapacious GOP a$$holes share a fascist plutocracy without driving each other crazy?"


"We are fighting for the same thing,” Trump said.

McConnell concurred, saying he and the President “have the same agenda.”

  1. Destroying everything Obama and Democrats have accomplished.
  2. Enriching the 1%.
  3. Keeping power by eliminating voting rights.
  4. Enriching Putin and the oligarchs.
  5. Keeping power by colluding with the Russians.

McConnell was working on 1 through 3 before Trump. Trump threw in 4 and 5 (with McConnell and Ryan’s consent and assistance) in order to help with 1 through 3, and with his primary objective…enriching Trump.


I need to watch the whole thing and not just the clips on twitter, but it feels like Mitch was trying to get Trump to get Bannon to back off the challengers to the GOP Senators.

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