Some how I don’t think Trump has it exactly right:
I tend to think this might leave a mark. With the birther thing just last week and now this, he’s sending Clinton into the debates loaded with even more ammo. The birther question (why didn’t you apologize?) will almost certainly come up and Clinton can use this and other statements, as well as his past housing violations and his campaign against the Central Park 5, to remind non-racists that Trump is still a racist.
Not just paternalistic. The pattern you see is demagogic. Exactly demagogic. Say there is a problem, usually with a group of people who are the cause. Then say “I am the only solution…trust me.” I’ll get rid of the “problem” he says
DT should do something about his appearence, that will surely make the blacks love him. Why not get an afro and some colourful clothes ?
“… They’re going, like, high” … good lord almighty
[sound of head banging repeatedly against desk]
For every statement he makes about “helping” he makes at least five emphasizing danger and dysfunction. Among other things, he is reinforcing the corrosive notion that neighborhoods where Blacks live are by definition dangerous hellholes, which makes it much more plausible for him and his supporters to justify overlooking violent incidents like the two that just occurred within the last few days in Tulsa and Charlotte. Well OF COURSE the police thought they were in danger, I mean, who isn’t in danger over there?
Guess history wasn’t taught at Fordham or UPENN!
Wow, that crowd at Donny’s rally is lapping that bullshit up! Gosh, I wonder why?
Just look at all those black people up there with him. It just huge.
Completely agree - I believe he’s very intentionally trying to tell his white audience that African Americans are inherently inferior, since they’ve obviously squandered the opportunities that we’ve given them over the last 400 years.
Even with that, and I agree that what he’s doing, it’s impossible to say with a straight face that life in an inner city is the worst it has ever been, unless the speaker has forgotten what things were like in the South Bronx in the 70’s.
The Bronx was burning in the 70s, and surely Trump knew that, because that’s when he starting amassing his fortune - by scooping up distressed properties during NYC’s financial crisis.
You just know Donald has a vial of PCP in his gold-plated SUV…
I think it’s a more nuanced coded argument based on the theme that is constantly brought up by the most ardent racists when the Black Lives Movement is mentioned, “Why aren’t they doing anything about crime in the inner cities?”
It’s also a coded reprimand to Obama, who in their eyes didn’t spend his time in office trying only to deter crime in the inner cities. Trump will address what black leaders and a black president are unable or unwilling to–or at least in the minds of his audience what they’re unwilling to.
And he’ll add a couple more “evers” to the list.
His African American must have the week off.
Having said that, look at those folks. They dressed up. For Trump. They may well be the only people in America who’ve ever dressed up for a Trump rally where the norm is t-shirts and jeans and red hats. It’s just kind of heartbreaking. Aside from the odd hurricane, this is likely the biggest thing that ever happened in their county in their whole lives.
You’re right. I feel sad just thinking about that.
I think he’s quite aware of what he’s saying. He’s a con man, a fascist hoping to seize power. If one believes in reincarnation he’s a little-bit Hitler and a lot-a-bit Mussolini.
The interesting thing to me is how it works in some places. While we shake our heads at the thought that he would try to convince black Americans, who certainly face serious socioeconomic prejudice and distress, are worse off than they were 60 years ago (let alone 150…), it’s an argument that white voters seem to buy into for themselves. Trump is failing to appeal to minorities because he can’t tailor his message. Minorities, particularly in the black community, have fought for generations to improve their lot, and many have lived the slow, painful journey to a better, if still woefully imperfect version of racial America.
While Trump’s white supporters feel the country slipping away from them and are looking for a savior to make it all better, black Americans both: feel as though the country is improving (but still has a long way to go); and also know that such change isn’t given to them by anyone, it is earned in the blood, sweat, and tears of their people.
The suggestion that they haven’t earned it, that they need a rich white man to come into their homes, point out how bad they have it, then save them, is offensive…
Yep. Better lede: “Trump lies to white people about black people.”