Sure…okay. Good one.
for the record that wasn’t sarcastic. That would be an “experience” for sure.
Only slightly off-topic, but… Trump’s “believe me” verbal tic is going to be this cycle’s “also, too.”
I would says the speakers at Muhammad Ali’s funeral disagree. Billy Crystal said it best, "[he] taught us that life is best when you build bridges between people and not walls.”
As long as you get to choose the time frame, and still have access to Ziggy and Al…and it ENDS and you aren’t responsible for correcting history.
Charlie Pierce referred to Hillary’s surrogates as “Murderer’s Row,” with Bill Clinton fourth on the depth chart.
Given the baseball analogy, that means Bill’s batting cleanup. It’s the perfect spot for him.
I think this sums up a lot of Trump’s actions. I don’t think he truly understands the context of what others view as racist. During the Jake Tapper interview, when Trump was asked if his comments about the judge being biased because he was “Mexican” might be racist, Trump said a couple of times, ‘it’s not racist, he’s very proud of his heritage.’ That left me scratching my head because those two concepts are not on the same wavelength.
I totally agree he has no self-reflection or feedback loop. I think he is suffering from the newly diagnosed Affluenza (among other things) where there is no expectation that he should understand or care about the impact of his boorish and bigoted words or deeds on others. But, fortunately Sen. Elizabeth Warren is around to point that out for him.
Just very, very, very good superlatives.
How about this guy?
Please, please, please, let that be one of his campaign slogans. I want to see the signs and the internet ads.
Donald Trump - The Least Racist Person
“I am not a racist,” Trump said. “In fact, I am the least racist person that you’ve ever encountered.
Unfiltered bullshit
The latest truth landing on dumpsters head…
Valueless , crude, and vile…Screws his ‘fans’ the little guys with equal fervor… He has show who he is …by his life actions and his speeches …BELIEVE HIM…Rhetoric change is NO life change… Remember ‘The Selling of a President’ … sold us NIXON!
I have Black friends, as well. That’s not why I’m not a racist. My WHITE Mom taught me that.
Oh Donnie, you are such a tool.
Says racist thing but claims not to be racist. Legitimate racism, then? Hey Donnie boy, Mitch and Paul think it was racist. If you are defending your racist statements, you’re looooosing.
Asked by Washington Post reporter Marc Fisher on Friday about the perception that he may harbor negative attitudes towards minorities and immigrants, Trump insisted that he would never display bias based on race or ethnicity.
Except on days ending in ‘y’.
“Isn’t that funny?” Trump said. “You know, Don endorsed me. … This is Don King. Now, Don King knows racism probably better than anybody. He’s not endorsing a racist, okay?”
King denied supporting Trump …
Donald Trump, pursuing the Presidency at the breakneck speed of 70 lies per hour.
Not if he is the subject matter - which means never.
Yeah, what is up with Roseanne Barr?
I am still waiting to hear from Bozo the Clown, Carrot Top, and Gene Simmons before I make my selection.