Donald misspoke. He meant to say “least self-aware person”.
“Oh, look at my OTHER African-American over here. Look at him,” Trump said. “Are you the greatest?”
Trick question - it’s Ali.
The legendarily flamboyant King has been dogged by one controversy or another throughout his decades-long association with the sweet science, including multiple legal disputes with boxers who claimed he cheated them.
Gee, now who does that sound like? Don’t tell me, I’ll get it…
In other news, I have it on good authority, that Goebbels said that Hitler was not the least bit antisemitic.
Trump said. “In fact, I am the least racist person…"
Can this man ever utter a sentence without any freakin’ superlatives in it ?
Trump: “I am not a racist.”
“Any fool can tell the truth, but it requires a man of some sense to know how to lie well.” – Samuel Butler
“Isn’t that funny?” Trump said. “You know, Don endorsed me. You wanna take that back with you? You know, this could be a story, it just came out. He just delivered it to my office. But isn’t that funny? This is Don King. Now, Don King knows racism probably better than anybody. He’s not endorsing a racist, okay?”
It’s alarming that anyone would actually speak that way. For a young aspiring politician it would be the death of fledgling political career. For a presidential nominee, it’s beyond astonishing and into the realm of pure nightmarish horror, but Republicans eat it up. I still can’t comprehend what goes on in a voters mind that causes them to vote for someone so inept as Trump in the ability to speak coherently. I’m not even getting into the racism, I’m just talking about his word salad self aggrandizing gibberish.
Don King and Roseanne Barr endorse Trump…
Elizabeth Warren, President Obama,Vice President Biden endorse Hillary.
Which surrogates do you want on YOUR team?
This example of sloppy logic has been trotted out far too many times to have any shred of truth. Indeed, it is the rationalization of a jackass.
On the other hand, there’s David Duke. Trump tried a different tack. He said he didn’t know who he was.
The guy lies like a rug.
And they’re the best superlatives - the strongest. Believe me.
Bernie Sanders would be nice.
I wonder what it would be like to inhabit this ego-maniacal jerks person for a day? I can’t even imagine what that would be like. The complete lack of self-awareness, the overwhelming insecurity that is clearly there…It would be something to behold…and not in the least bit in a good way. That poses an interesting conversation topic…what influential figure, good or pathetic like Trump, throughout history, would you like to inhabit for a day or two? Whose life would you like to experience for 24-48 hours? Open question to all.
Screw Don King.
But I’d like to know What Mohammed Ali would have said of tRump.
I’d value that.
Not only has King repeatedly been sued for larceny and “settled most lawsuits for six- to eight-digit pay-offs while managing to avoid a conviction of felony fraud or time in jail”, King was convicted of second-degree murder, for stomping an employee to death. He shot in the back (and killed) a second person named Hillary.
King has literally killed two people and gotten away with it.
Donald Trump dreams of being Don King.
Don King ripped fighters off…Trump rips everyday people off…two peas in a pod.
For 24-48 hours? Caligula to really understand hedonism.
Charlie Pierce referred to Hillary’s surrogates as “Murderer’s Row,” with Bill Clinton fourth on the depth chart.
Mud will be slung, and it won’t be pretty, but… yep. I’m with her.