Discussion: Trump Celebrates McCabe’s Firing: ‘A Great Day For Democracy’

Vindictive to the point of failing to realize when discretion is the better part of valor. So many things he could have learned by just observing President Obama. But no.


Boss Tweed thought he was hot stuff once. But his world crumbled and he fled, working as a merchant seaman. The authorities in Spain recognized him because Thomas Nast and other journalists had made his face so well known. He died in jail, of pneumonia. Imagine that, suffocating by inches, locked in a cage. Not such a big shot then.


Count the grounds for a lawsuit, dotard.

An employer may fire an employee for many different reasons. But taking adverse action against a worker engaged in certain protected activities can constitute unlawful retaliation and wrongful termination. Federal law protects employees from retaliation, or revenge, for participating in protected activities, such as reporting unlawful activities or participating in an investigation into the practices of your employer.


of course, Fox and Friends
Ah yes
Quite the narrative over there this morning
Worst person ever …
People are in the military for 20 years and get dishonorably discharged …
Had the asshole Ex CIA guy they always bring out.
Straw men were lining up for a chance to speak
All the straw men


Mr POS President


What does Putin’s puppet know about Democracy?
It also time for Keebler to replace their Elf with an American.


Only a true and demented narcissist would celebrate something that will ultimately lead to his downfall.


Shouldn’t the headline be:

Psycho Manchild Celebrates Dancing on the Grave Of Another FBI Agent As Democracy Dies

I know…Too Long.

Need more coffee.


Ah some meat and potatoes.

I suspect in the civilian world, we would be making quite a bit of merriment if an employer had moved so transparently in the removal of an employee. I know if I were in that situation, I would likely have lawyers knocking on the door.The tweet alone would be a gift.

But on the Federal level, I haven’t a clue.


By the way, you were in the air last night?


“A great day for a banana-republic-dictator wannabe” is what you meant, Lying Littledick.

Tick tock, motherfucker.

And the rest of us will keep working for that Bluenami, you stupid, dickless asshole.


“Sick, morbidly obese, mentally unstable, fucker.”

There, fixed it for you.


During the day. But, I was "flying high when this news broke late last night.


Their argument in response we be something like “If the president* wants it done, it’s not illegal.”

Let’s hope it’s as successful as it was for the last President who tried to claim that.


No doubt, next step for McCabe against tRump…private arbitration. Funny, not funny. Probably where he’ll be forced to sign a non-disclosure agreement in order to get a percentage of his pension back in return.

tRump’s continuing to run the government like one of his failed bankrupted businesses.


Fat Nixon has pissed off a lot of people who know exactly what he did .
McCabe was the acting director FFS
From His statement

It is part of this Administration’s ongoing war on the FBI and the efforts of the Special Counsel investigation, which continue to this day. Their persistence in this campaign only highlights the importance of the Special Counsel’s work.
I have always prided myself on serving my country with distinction and integrity, and I always encouraged those around me to do the same. Just ask them. To have my career end in this way, and to be accused of lacking candor when at worst I was distracted in the midst of chaotic events, is incredibly disappointing and unfair. But it will not erase the important work I was privileged to be a part of, the results of which will in the end be revealed for the country to see.
I have unfailing faith in the men and women of the FBI and I am confident that their efforts to seek justice will not be deterred.

He’s got the goods on him and has no reason to hold back now
The fuck you is coming right back at you Trump
They will live to see you brought down


Good point - as this isn’t just vindictive celebration - it is also sending a threat to any intelligence and/or legal professional who dare think he has any power to do anything to displease Trump. This warning is particularly, imo, aimed at what he views as the rogue Mueller team.

Personally I think it is more likely he will stroke out before he gets ousted and/or jailed. Between his poor health, his ever broadening girth, and his propensity to fly into rages fed by his compulsion for ‘executive time’ to watch tv to look for coverage of himself, he appears to be on a dangerous binge of self-destruction.

His family will be left with the wreck (seized assets, arrests, etc.) left in his wake.


“Morbidly obese”? But his NYC doctor said he was in the bestest, most excellentest health of any candidate EVAH!!

And his checkup said that his BMI is 29.5!!

And I’m a five-time Olympic Decathlon gold medalist, instead of a short, old, fat guy.


I thought blue lives mattered. How can they think taking the pension away from a civil servant (who could have made twice as much money working in the private sector) is ever a good idea? I’d watch your back Little Jeffie.

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Fuck that, I want them in jail. And it’s not as if Shitgibbon has any actual assets to seize. Well, I guess NOW he might have, now that he’s been grifting the USA and the world for 14 months.