Discussion: Trump Celebrates Labor Day By Trashing The 'Worst Trade Deals Ever Made'

He’s mad.


Funny, I was commiserating the worst hijacked election ever stolen.


This from the worst human being to ever hold public office.


Big progress being made!

Bet your last dollar that this translates to “No progress being made.”


“The U.S. has tremendous upside potential” but it will have to wait until Democrats retake the White House and Congress.


Our country is doing better than ever before with unemployment setting record lows. The U.S. has tremendous upside potential…

It depends upon your point of view. From the Worker’s point of view, not so good.


You have forgotten that

“What’s good for General Bullmoose is what’s good for the U.S.A.
And by Dow Jones and all their little averages,
Don?t you forget it! Right, boys?”


WORST trade deals EVER made by ANY country in the WORLD

really? no - not really

A guy who gets his thought style from ny post headlines - but large corporations still not increasing wages to keep pace with inflation, destruction of the infrastructure important to maintaining middle class lifestyle, somehow, not mentioned.

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Certainly one of the worst human beings ever, POS

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I thought the worst deal ever made was the one Donald is making with Israel. Where Donald gives Bibi everything he asks for and America gets… Peace in the middle-East??? Hah!

!@#$%$#@! and I’ll say it again !@#$%$#@!

Translation: You never performed an honest day of work in your life, your rat bastard! Spare me your bullshit.


It’s now just a matter of time before tRump decides the US needs to build a wall along our northern border and Canada will be paying for it.

If there’s one thing that should piss off Ruby Red Republican northern states, its going after trade policy with Canada in which we have always been the beneficiary, where we have a documented trade surplus, no matter what the Liar in Chief tells his ignorant rubes. NAFTA is a Congressionally ratified trade deal that tRump on his own can only fuck with if Republicans let him. They will be equally to blame if that happens as they’re already beginning to allow him to do. There is no national security at stake to alter the current trade agreement and all Congress has to do is stand up to this fool’s total lack of understanding as to how trade works, since he’s fucking clueless.

Canada should hold firm and not play tRump’s bullying games, threats and intimidation. There’s nothing to be gained from individual bilateral deals on the North American continent while he is in office…just constant manipulation and moving the goalposts to a more untenable situation. The Rust Belt has already rejected his approach and they were never very NAFTA friendly to begin with. Keep digging that hole, moron.

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As for immigrant labor…This is the only kind of immigrant labor tRump approves of:

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