Discussion: Trump Casts North Korea Summit As 'One-Time Shot' For Kim

Shorter Mighty Mouth: Give me whatever I want or I won’t play with you anymore. And bring Big Macs.

I wonder if he knows arrogant schoolyard bullies are destined to fail? Pro’bly not.


Kiss Seoul goodbye…



“Fossil records show that the Trumposaur never evolved beyond the primitive posturing behaviors that other species quickly learned to recognize and subdue, which led inevitably to its extinction.”


He goes back and forth between abuse and ego-stroking from one sentence to the next. Probably just the way his dad did.


tRump is a fucking cartoon of a president*. He’s a two-dimensional, shallow human being with a preschooler’s approach to problem solving based on wishful thinking and a sense of entitlement. Its too late for re-parenting so we’re all stuck with this kind of unicorn thinking by this moron, unfortunately. This meeting with Kim is probably one he hasn’t spent more than a half hour planning for I would bet. The planning for this summit boggles the mind. I suspect what we’re about to see slapped together for this meeting, will turn out much worse for us in end. tRump and his team of incompetents haven’t begun to think this thing all the way through and even if tRump’s team has, tRump hasn’t, and he’s the one his team defers to, whether they agree with him or not.

IMO, this meeting shouldn’t be happening at all. We’d all be better off if it never took place.


AP stenography. I already know what Trump said. And I also know that by any objective analysis, he’s either deluded, or full of shit.


What with the “no preparation needed,” “within the first minute, I’ll know,” … because “my touch, my feel,” and now “one-time shot,” this is clearly devolving into a dick measuring contest.

“I think I’ll know pretty quickly whether or not, in my
 opinion, something positive will happen. And if I think
 it won’t happen, I’m not going to waste my time. I don’t 
     want to waste his time,” Trump said.

You’ll do as Alpha-Puty tells ya …

That goes for the both of you ! —


Yes and one would think that Putin would love to have the American military out of Korea.


" The worlds a stage " – :wink:


I was curious to know if there were any members of Congress that served in the Korean War still in office, and unfortunately there is only one left, Sam Johnson (R-TX), who is not running for re-election. Understandably though because he’s 87 years old. There was Rangel and Conyers who are no longer in Congress as the only other two that had served in Korea during the war who left fairly recently. How come we aren’t hearing from any vets from the Korean War on how they feel about all this? Seems we always have vets that have served in various wars often weigh in, as we did during Vietnam normalization and many issues regarding the Iraq War. The Korean War still seems to be treated like the forgotten war in many ways. No?

Maybe its because I’ve had MASH on all day…It got me thinking about this stuff.


:laughing: I think that’s a reasonably safe bet. hahahaha

Korean War vets are getting up there. The one I knew died at the age of 76 about 12 years ago.

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I’ve been rewatching it too. Seems relevant, somehow…

There is approximately zero chance he’ll walk away from this. The NoKos know all about bluster. And they know he’s painted himself in a corner. He’ll take whatever nebulous, specifics-lacking multi-year “peace plan” they dangle and they’ll snatch the bag of economic goodies he arrives with right out of his hand.


Looking forward to seeing their meeting in Singapore.

PP is also going to hold nuclear talks with NoKo without the advice of a WH science advisor or senior counselor trained in nuclear physics because he’s never named one. Advantage: North Korea.


There is this wall to honor veterans of the Korean War in the Presidio in SF, former Army base, now decommissioned.

As well these plaques on a nearby walkway with tributes to veterans and the Korean people themselves. Better half and I walk the Presidio sometimes and always stop to read the plaques.

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Kim wants an easing of sanctions. In exchange he will give Trump years of excruciatingly slow negotiations that will go nowhere. If Trump doesn’t give Kim what he wants, China will. 90% of North Korea’s trade is with China.