This isn’t even “putting party before country”. It’s “putting your own narrow partisan interests before the narrow partisan interests of other parts of your own party”, namely your legislative convenience vs. the ability (and I use that term loosely) of the administration to function (ditto).
Funny you should mention that. I was just thinking about it the other day - and wondering if there will be some indictments of his inner circle before then.
Regardless, this one is going to be quite a challenge for his speechwriter. The new Dem majority isn’t likely to be leaping to their feet for the applause lines either. LOL.
And what part of being elected to one of the most exclusive clubs in the country makes one qualified to lead an executive department? We need a new rule, once one has become a U.S. Senator, they are forbidden from seeking any other political office or appointment. (Of course, Barack Obama was an exception to that rule.)
Good one. As for the rest of it, get along with you. : ) It’s certainly not news that Trump’s lacks real friends or allies, since he doesn’t understand the concept or any concept, really, but brute dominance. Pretty sure I’m not the first person who noticed that.
Much as I am happy to see those posts remain empty for obvious reasons - I would also love to see the tRump raid McConnell’s caucus to fill some of them, although I have my doubts as to how many would willingly give up a senate sinecure for the obvious short term cabinet appointment.
McConnell is rightly afraid of endangering his slim majority and the resultant special elections that could occur.
Oh please can we get this? I would love to see the shit show it would unleash in his caucus if he Garlanded a Republican Senator going for a high level position in this administration.
I do! I think they had simple interest, but it was like 5%. My grandmother used one (other side and one generation earlier from one one who threatened to sell her unruly son to the ragman.)
“The question I ask myself— 'am I good enough?—that haunts us, because the messages that are sent from the time we are little is: Maybe you are not. Don’t reach too high. Don’t talk too loud," Obama said.
The former first lady said that point was profoundly true “for women of color” as people in power try to make them feel as if they do not belong.
But Obama offered a “secret” to young women everywhere: “I have been at probably every powerful table that you can think of, I have worked at nonprofits, I have been at foundations, I have worked in corporations, served on corporate boards, I have been at G-summits, I have sat in at the U.N.: They are not that smart.”