Discussion: Trump Campaign Official Praises ‘Great Success’ Of Bundy Standoff

OMG, I didn’t make the connection between “He Knows What I’m Thinking” Crazy Eyes and Jerry.

Sweet Jesus, what a marriage.


The entire Trump campaign can be summed up by the word “creepy”.

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Its nice to see that the GOPs quantum reality is beginning to shape up…

Donald Trump supports seditionists. Good to know.

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The put douche nozzles in the list of supplies they needed. No more dildos, though.

Mein Fuhrer love the terrorists .

Too bad Cruz already has the Duck Dynasty Quackers all locked up to vote for him. That could’ve been huuuuuge in the swampland demographic had he jumped on that first. Btw, is it Crackers or Quackers?..I get those two confused sometimes.

Veterans please remember how draft dodger, war monger, Prissy Sissy Trump stood behind us in Viet Nam. 10,000 miles behind us.


Dunce Dynasty has a nice ring to it.


What a shock. It does not matter if their cause is just. They took over a federal building with guns and are destroying things and going through stuff. They have a right to protest but this is not included in the First Amendment. If they wanted to protest on the land than that is one thing, but this is pretty far.

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This is convincing evidence that if Trump were actually elected President of the United States, the rule of law in this country would be a thing of the past.

This man is a nothing but a neo-fascist.

No one needs to think of an aroused Donald Trump.

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Been there, done that.

Didn’t work then either.

I wonder if Trump is aware that they brought in a hack with ties to ISIS.


…concluded the self-styled militia’s cause is “peaceful” and “constitutionally just.”

Really? Kicking in the door of a closed federal building, occupying it, using government equipment without authorization, destruction of government property, trespassing, unauthorized use of government computers, etc, etc etc, all while telling the government if they show up to end the occupation they will be risking lives.

That’s not peaceful or constitutional. That’s straight thuggery, and when it ends, so will you and your candidate.

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I thought they were tired of people sending them dildos.


WHY does he want to be President of this '“thug-like, terroristic” country?

The impudent trumpley hijacks the gop. The stupidity that got them to here is what makes his petulance a success.

Trespassing on federal property and busting down a locked door is “constitutionally just”???
I’ve been expecting the BIG MOUTH to get involved in this dust up.

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