Come on, folks. This was 20 years ago, and the charges were dropped. Granted, he’s a malignant slug, but let this one go.
His wife refused to show up and press charges. Thats how.
Sadly, this article was in the NYT today.
Ty, have not gotten that far in my reading today.
In short, he’s Trump’s kind of guy.
OT, but his nose does not look like he is in the best of health.
Yes, the Black Voter Fraud Steals the Presidency from the White People conspiracy monger has himself fraudulently voted in Florida for years. Quelle surprise.
He seems nice.
The thing about people like Bannon is that they are used to wielding power from the shadows and they think that makes them invincible. Then, convinced of their own omnipotence, they wander into the public eye and think it will be same. It’s always too late when they realize that they will be scrutinized in a way they never had been before. Between this and the voter fraud thing, Bannon is about to become yet another bad choice and distraction made by the Not Ready for Prime Time Trump campaign.
I Appreciate your noble instincts. However, these are the folks who are still pushing the theory that HRC enabled actual RAPE by WJC and that she harassed and intimidated WJC’s extramarital affair partners.
If this man physically abused his ex wife, threatened to conduct scorched earth divorce and child custody litigation with his investment banker deep pockets, and kept her from pressing the charges by showing up and testifying, then I think it is extremely relevant.
Just like it is relevant that, while he and his propaganda outlet push the fiction that non-existent voter fraud by minorities is stealing elections, he himself has been committing voter fraud for several elections by voting in Florida without being an actual resident of the addresses of registration.
SHe Probably TOOk A BIRth CONTroL anD TURned UGLY and STUPid. So WHY is this WRONg???
Better than feminism…
Buuuuuulshit! What facts? what policy? who’s talking policy? Steve Bannon is a world class SOB and he deserves to be outed s such.
BS. Bannon, would not let go facts from 20 years ago, stop bringing sunflowers to a machete fight.
In a normal campaign, this would be a significant scandal and result in the staff member’s firing. In the Trump campaign, the other staff members are saying he didn’t beat her hard enough to be let into their club.
That answers why he wasn’t convicted. It doesn’t answer why the cops never talked to him, yet he still wound up in front of a judge with a plea.
Not necessarily. Story at NYT is detailed as to the nature of the abuse against former wife Piccard. He became enraged and beat her because she made noise feeding their child, she spat at him, Mr. Bannon became aggressive, she told police. He grabbed her wrist and then her neck,, grabbed the phone from her and threw it and it shattered.
This is an angry guy who’s going to be incapable of keeping HO’s worst angry tendencies in check.
Maybe under The Fifth Amendment you can refuse to answer cop questions or their invite to an interview?
Because that worked so well with the swiftboaters. Talk to President Kerry about it.
What does “HO” refer to? I’ve been out of the loop for a couple months?
Hillary’s opponent