I can’t believe that they ran the whole quote. Damn this year can’t end quick enough.
I can’t believe that they ran the whole quote. Damn this year can’t end quick enough.
This appeals solely to his rabid base and does not to broaden his attraction at all. It is as if he is still running in the primaries.
The ad has already been made:
There’s a dozen statements in a minute and a half expressing support from white nationalists. Easy series of ads – Sec. Clinton making her claim that Trump receives support from racists and bigots, run clip of racist / bigot expressing their support for Trump, end with the question “do you agree that these views are deplorable?” Repeat with misogyny, homophobia, islamaphobia, etc.
Yep. That’s one of their web videos, but it easily could be cut down to 30 seconds to be used as a broadcast spot.
that’s why I can’t understand why they would run that whole quote. That quote isn’t the Trump campaign’s friend, that quote again brings scrutiny to who is actually supporting that campaign.
I would have ran a testimonial ad that had a person who could possibly pass scrutiny and who could say with no trepidation that a Trump supporter isn’t a deplorable.
oh well…
One In Six Eligible Voters Has A Disability
And it’s harder for them to vote because of it.
Of all the insults Donald Trump has lobbed during the 2016 campaign, one has risen to the top: his mocking of a reporter with disabilities at a rally in Florida last fall. (Trump has denied he was mocking the reporter.) A Bloomberg poll showed voters found that moment more disturbing than any other, including his attacks on a Muslim soldier’s parents in July.
In the 30-second spot titled “Deplorable,” a narrator says that Clinton told “wealthy donors” that “tens of millions of Americans” are “deplorable.”
Is there something inaccurate about stating tens of millions of Americans are deplorable? There are 320 million people in this country. 20 million would be "tens". Is it difficult to believe that 6% of the populace is deplorable? Could someone dispute it on firm ground?
Bottom line is, it’s true.
Headline should read, Trump defends racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic supporters.
As someone who did not think Sec’y Clinton’s "deplorables’ comment was particularly advisable, i think this ad misses the mark because, notwithstanding the valiant effort to find a few non-white bread faces in the footage of his rallies, the crowds are simply not diverse enough (or even friendly-looking enough) to refute HRC’s point.
It’s Trump who is the real basket case.
I think Josh M had a figure of 14M trump voters, so half = 7M, not “tens”. My pastor friend, who of course works with a wide variety of folks daily, said it long ago, that people are going to be shocked by the numbers of Trump supporters who are racist, anti-gay, xenophobic etc., and said it was about 50%. I think HC was channelling him.
I agree with Machneman completely. This comment wasn’t an accident as she said basically the same thing (sans the “half”) on Israeli TV and it didn’t get picked up. Perhaps should thought because it didn’t that it was OK, or maybe they wanted it out there (Hillary is very cautious) and she needed to push it out there in a more public forum. She KNEW the press was there and report it. That can’t be a mistake. Romney’s and Obama’s intemperate comments about the “47%” (which was derogatory based on just being poor) and “clinging to their guns and religion” (which was accurate but dismissive) hurt them somewhat (Romney more than Obama) with people who probably weren’t going to vote for them anyway.
How many times has Trump said certain people are “terrible”? Hundreds. He insults Obama voters and Hillary voters every day. Like most Americans, I find his comments contemptible and the people he surrounds himself with as deplorable. Trump actually agrees with Hillary’s assessment, although he thinks it’s a positive not a negative. He could shoot somebody on 5th Avenue and not lose any supporter, he’s said multiple times. What does that say about his supporters?
I thought that the comment would not hurt her because she couldn’t make an ad out of it. Now that’s suspicion has been confirmed since it only appeals to his existing supporters. Sure, a few people will go to him to stick it to her, but that was going to happen anyway, and it is still out there that MANY of his supporters, if not half, are deplorable for all the reasons she said and is quoted in the ad. They don’t want to here it and don’t agree, but whether they harbor racist or sexist or xenophobic or homophobic or Islamaphobic ideas or not, but supporting Trump they are in league with those who do, and support Trump who traffics in it.
It also had to be said and out there, and I hope it continues to receive attention from all sides and that Clinton and her surrogates push it. SHE should now run ads showing Trump saying things, then his supporters echoing them. It’s ugly and suburban voters don’t like it. Calling them out helps her positives.
I think it is a good ad - for HRC
Like maybe a few folks wearing the Monica sucks and Hillary blows t-shirt that is so popular among DT’s supporters?
Oh, goodness, there are so many widely available images that could be used AND verified.
Oh please, Milo Yiannopoulos, Roger Stone, Donald Trump Jr and the rest of the deplorables have never done hard work in their whole life.
I wonder when this ad will run. I know not everyone works first shift, but it would certainly be ironic if this ad was shown primarily during daytime TV.
I can’t make sense of any assertion Trump has 14 million voters. The 2012 Presidential election saw 127 million votes cast combined for Obama and Romney. Roughly 2 million more cast ballots for other candidates. Assuming the electorate stayed static that’s 129 voters for this election. Let’s grant a worst case scenario for Trump and give Hillary 50% of the votes, Trump 40% of the votes and independents/write-ins/etc 10% of the votes. 40% of 129 million is nearly 52 million voters. Is it plausible 20 million of those 52 million are either a racist, xenophobe, misogynist, homophobe, skinhead, Nazi, criminal in nature, a pedophile or spouse abuser, a swindler of the aged or retired, tax cheat, polluter, cilantro grower or Republican member of a public school board, etc? I’d think so.
No thinking person would deny that a large part of Trump’s support does, in fact, come from all of the things Clinton mentions. As an anti-Clinton ad, I’m not sure it’s as effective as the producers would have hoped. Non-Trump supporters agree with Clinton and would probably just laugh at the disingenuous attempts to show the one non-white person that showed up for a rally. And his own supporters have admitted, sometimes very openly, that they are quite proud of their hatred. “He tells it like it is!” and “He’s not afraid to offend anybody” aren’t regular talking points among his supporters for no reason. This ad will just piss off his deplorable supporters, Clinton supporters will agree (with the Clinton quote), and anybody truly undecided at this point may feel more turned off to Trump for fear of receiving any of those labels.
I tried watching this when it first ran, and it was too disgusting. Parts of it could be useful, however, if Clinton wants to take on more directly the bigotry of his followers she’s talking about in answer to the “deplorable” comment
@thx1138 trump’s supporters have been recorded as shouting these things at rallies. Now excuse me while I go take a bath.
“Fuck those dirty beaners.” “Fuck political correctness.” “Fuck that nigger.” “Get out of here, you fag.” “Hillary is a whore.” “Build a wall - kill them all.”