Again, Trumpzilla poops on the Establishment…
Try this on for size. It’s a hoot.
Though I admire Mayer’s work I’m reluctant to read this for fear I may never sleep again. She detailed the Cheney/Halliburton connection to the Iraq war and they came after her.
It was his only successful business enterprise and it was subsidized by the taxpayers of Arlington.
I really don’t agree. The reason for why they were booing will also be included in the news cycle and I think that message really does resonate with the rank and file voters in the TV audience.
I can’t get past his face or his views. OK, everything about him is too hard to take.
One is reminded of the Monty Python upperclass twit sketch.
You’ve read “Strange Justice”, right?
Unless Trump plans to spend a lot of his own fortune if he gets the nomination, he just dissed the donors he’ll need to win the Presidency. Loser!!!
I don’t believe ANYTHING that comes out of the Republican Party. NOT even Donald Trump spending ALL of his political capital on the ‘SOCK-AND-AWE’ factor. Like the rest of the LAZY-CRAZY Republican Party, they’re INCOMPETENT and HAVE TO cover ‘IT’ up some way.
Anita Hill? Parts of it.
I think Donald Trump deserves credit for pointing out that the audience was stacked with donors. I did not realize that ABC had rigged the audience to the Republican debates with Kochheads until then.
The Republican party has sold itself to megalomaniacal kleptocrats who want to buy the elections so that they can destroy individual freedoms and loot the Treasury.
More boos-worthy news on the donnie--------------and a yuuuuuuge kudos to the Vets Organization.
The Republican conservative Supreme Court is fine with handing personal property over to the development elite. Conservatives know best what should be done with the property we own.
Just like they know the best moral values for us.