I’m placing my hope in Megalodon.
They didn’t apologize. That’s just something he likes to say. What he does, you know.
OK not to be crude but so you understand the pathology here, when Trump says “get down on their knees” he’s alluding to oral sex as a form of humiliation. He’s very consistent with that, and has said it publicly about women and about men he felt have groveled before him. Just so you know what we’re dealing with here.
Well, what about when Omarosa said it, shortly after our very own Putin Election?
I think in both cases it’s a fantasy of maladjusted people. But Omarosa’s a more refined figure than Trump. As vulgar as he is in public, he’s a hundred times worse in private.
She said it before the election and she said bow down as in give reverence, but I guess both are accurate.
Trump wakes up, finds someone to blame.
Nothing new here.
I believe in caution, but with these kinds of moves on his part is going to lead to impeachment, he will leave the Dems with no choice.
Here the Krugman column that Donald tweeted about along with the many others he did this morning, trying to sooth his ego.
Krugman has a nice summary of the Muller report in his first paragraph.
So all the “fake news” was true. A hostile foreign power intervened in the presidential election, hoping to install Donald Trump in the White House. The Trump campaign was aware of this intervention and welcomed it. And once in power, Trump tried to block any inquiry into what happened.
Trump has no idea how to be a leader. He simply throws around his mean, stupid pronouncements verbally and in tweets, which his fawning fans mistake for reality and cleverness, and gets mad when smart, well-informed people aren’t impressed.
I’ve probably said this before, but he reminds me of a boy in my junior high 60 years ago who was a bully with a pathetic little posse of hangers-on. I’ve always hoped that boy eventually matured into a good man, but I doubt it. I imagine him front and center at Trump rallies.
The GOP stopped believing in America values back in the 1960s.
From the article:
.In a separate letter Monday, Kline’s attorney, Robert Driscoll, told the panel that his client would adhere to the White House recommendation.
“With two masters from two equal branches of government, we will follow the instructions of the one that employs him,” Driscoll wrote in the letter addressed to the committee’s chairman, Rep. Elijah E. Cummings (D-Md.)
My own editorial here: TWO MASTERS?! Give me a break. The only “masters” here are the law and the Constitution.
Can we please get rid of this embarrassing piece of shit already??
Well they wanted to keep the values of America where they were (MAGA), but yes, they have been looking out for themselves, white men, for decades.
Can we stop using “unhinged” to describe trump tweets? We got the picture years ago.
You are assuming he is sleeping.
I think his is losing what ever grip on reality he had left before the report was released.
He tweet storm is a prelude to something more dramatic.
Guess what his political party affiliation is? Guess!!! Guess!!!
Anyway, it is a very lame attempt to invoke an English language saying that is so hackneyed that it stopped being merely cliche decades ago, to the effect that one cannot serve two masters. Simultaneously. Like walking and chewing gum is trying to serve two masters while being Republican.
The NYT has been the Republican Party’s bitch since they fell in love with St. Reagan. Kabuki theater.
A competent monster would already have staff preparing the first response to the murder of a reporter by a Trump supporter. Thoughts and prayers . . . lone individual . . . . troubled person . . . too soon to talk about . . .