Discussion: Trump Bashes Media: NYT Needs To 'Get Down On Their Knees,' 'Beg For Forgiveness'

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I wonder if the New York Times will apologize to me a second time, as they did after the 2016 Election. But this one will have to be a far bigger & better apology. On this one they will have to get down on their knees & beg for forgiveness-they are truly the Enemy of the People!

I’d say he is one sick puppy – but that would be grossly unfair to puppies.


Massive projection again.


It’s nice to see he’s up early taking care of the People’s business and important issues that will make Americans’ lives better.

No, that snark is not fair. I realize and understand the importance that Executive Time goes until at least 11:00. Sorry, sir.


Here is the one and only Enemy of the People, who believes he is King, who shills for the Rupert Murdoch propaganda network that shares his agendas, and who now routinely instructs Public Servants paid for and employed by the People to ignore Congressional Oversight Subpoenas. The Republicans have been governing and legislating in bad faith since Ronald Reagan’s first term, and only believe Democratic Presidents need be held accountable.


megalomania much, dotard?


Ah, the first statements on what happened during his one-on-one with Putin.


Consider how far we have departed from the intended: From Federalist No. 69 — “The President of the United States would be an officer elected by the People for four years: the King of Great Britain is a perpetual and hereditary Prince. The one would be amenable to personal punishment and disgrace: the person of the other is sacred and inviolable. The one would have a qualified negative upon the Acts of the Legislative body: the other has an absolute negative. The one would have a right to command the military and naval forces of the Nation: the other, in addition to this right, possesses that of declaring war, and of raising and regulating fleets and armies by his own authority. The one would have a concurrent power with a branch of the Legislature in the formation of treaties: the other is the sole possessor of the power of making treaties. The one would have a like concurrent authority in appointing to offices: the other is the sole author of all appointments. The one can confer no privileges whatever: the other can make denizens of aliens, noblemen of commoners; can erect corporations with all the rights incident to corporate bodies. The one can prescribe no rules concerning the commerce or currency of the Nation: the other is in several respects the arbiter of commerce, and in this capacity can establish markets and fairs, can regulate weights and measures, can lay embargoes for a limited time, can coin money, can authorize or prohibit the circulation of foreign coin. The one has no particle of spiritual jurisdiction: the other is the supreme head and Governor of the National Church! What answer shall we give to those who would persuade us that things so unlike resemble each other?—The same that ought to be given to those who tell us, that a Government, the whole power of which would be in the hands of the elective and periodical servants of the People, is an aristocracy, a monarchy, and a despotism.” Ouch.


“as they did after the 2016 Election”
WTF is this? If proven true, NYT deserves all the bad names.
ETA: Thank you all for proving that it was a lie. I previously thought NYT called him in person to apologize. That said, I don’t trust NYT and they should apologize for HER EMAILS and many other coverage on Dems.


For the record:

The NYT published a post-election letter to thank readers for their loyalty and to say that NYT will rededicate itself to the high journalistic standards in covering Trump after underestimating his support among voters.

A spokeswoman for the New York Times told PolitiFact: “We’re incredibly proud of our coverage of the 2016 campaign. There was no suggestion either in our note to staff, or the note to subscribers, that we were apologizing.”


Megalomania will sink Trump.


This really is the truth.


But, what all will it take down with him? The rest of us? Our democracy?


We caught them redhanded…nyuk, nyuk, nyuk…


We won’t go down with Trump.

My reasoning?

There are more people following the NBA Playoffs than what we are writing about right now, They have not awakened yet. When they awaken**, we will get rid of Trump.

** My son, who I respect more than any man I know, is, nevertheless a Millennial who has not heard of fellow-Millennial Pete Buttigieg.

(WITH NO FEAR OF A MILITARY DRAFT) youngsters simply do not consume “politics” like older folks


He going down mentally before he’s taken down legally.


Politics makes me and you gag- in the age of trump a daily occurrence. So run for office.

Seriously, run for office.

In America’s non-stop, 24/7 campaigning the 2020 elections are just around the corner. And if Trump and Louie Gohmert and Steve King and David Nunes can get elected what’s to stop a qualified candidate like you?

If you want to know what public offices are available to you in your community check this site. Enter your ZIP code to see open offices: https://www.runforoffice.org/

Become a Precinct Committee Officer, sometimes it’s a Ward officer. You’ll meet with neighborhood Dems and get out the vote. Find good citizens willing to run for office. Check with your local party Chair.

Run for School Board. Make sure Civics is being properly taught. Think a majority of America knows how government works? Just 26% of eligible voters in America voted for Trump, and over half of all eligible voters just stayed home in 2016. Today’s 16-year old’s will be voting for President in 2 years. Are they ready?

Run for Mayor, City Council, County Commissioner, Borough Assembly. Get appointed to your Planning Commission. Know everything going on in your community.

Run for State Legislature or Congress. The next census is in 2020 when we redraw Congressional Districts. Stop the GOP-led gerrymandering that keeps Gohmert and King in office!

Register people to vote. If you need to help people overcome the GOP-led Voter run-around help them do that. To see your state’s voter registration requirements look here: https://www.vote.org/voter-registration-deadlines/

Download and print copies of this Federal Voter Registration form, valid in all 50 states and all US Territories. If you’re a US Citizen you can help any other US Citizen register to vote. Instructions are on the form: https://vote.gov/files/federal-voter-registration_1-25-16_english.pdf

This site, https://www.aauw.org/resource/organize-a-voter-registration-drive/, has a how-to on organizing a voter registration drive or just sitting outside Wal Mart with a folding chair and a card table.

Civics, Civility and Civilization share the same roots.

You Got To Run!


I dont think the President told me not show is going to fly.


There are key terms that would have to be welcomed into certain discussions. For example, if we’re talking costs of healthcare, monopsony would be a critical term to indicate a shift. (Klobuchar has dropped this word now several times without much blowback). In climate, the hot term is probably “ocean” or “sea”, which is not just where most of the global heat ends up, but also carbon emissions. “Oceans” means something more politically now as the first generation to see how this plays out has been born.

Taking this reasoning forward in time, Rothman predicts that, given the recent rise in carbon dioxide emissions over a relatively short timescale, a sixth extinction will depend on whether a critical amount of carbon is added to the oceans. That amount, he calculates, is about 310 gigatons, which he estimates to be roughly equivalent to the amount of carbon that human activities will have added to the world’s oceans by the year 2100.

Does this mean that mass extinction will soon follow at the turn of the century? Rothman says it would take some time – about 10,000 years – for such ecological disasters to play out. However, he says that by 2100 the world may have tipped into “unknown territory.”


Well, like Dotard 1.0 St Ronald, Dotard 2.0 and his Senate of the Apes is busy packing the Federal Courts with unqualified lawyers who have never tried a case, who apparently have no idea what Brown v Board of Education held, whose main qualification to serve consists of being Republican operatives and bloggers, for just this type of event. But if he is held in contempt, fully expect FOX and POLITICO and Sinclair Broadcasting to make him out to be St Joan of Arc.