Discussion: Trump Backs Away From US-Russia 'Cyber Security Unit' He Floated

Maybe Donald should try W’s “I have looked Vladimir Putin in the eye and was able to get a sense of his soul”, it will seem presidential…


On a more serious note, and I don’t want to start a long thread about the pros and cons of Chamberlain and appeasement with Germany as there are volumes on the subject, but what we are witnessing is a similar move by Trump that, though the circumstances are strikingly different (Chamberlain, unlike Trump, was not a political novice nor a fool knew England wasn’t mentally or physically ready for war), there are certain similarities.

The most evident similarity is in both situations, the aggressors are portrayed as reasonable leaders who should be respected, and there is no indication that in either case, do the aggressors want to do anything more than protect their own interests.

We all know how well that turned out.

History is the story of ‘the course of human events’ and the rest of us need to pay attention. Trump isn’t


Running a country is hard. Good compilation of his pre-presidency confidence that he had all the answers, although he never said what exactly those answers were then…kind of like now! What a pompous jackass.

I think this whole episode has really exposed Trump’s insecurity. He’s trying to pretend like he knew all along the cyber-security unit wouldn’t fly and it was only discussions, but isn’t being discussed much was that this was first announced by Mnuchin several times right after the meeting:

From Mnunchin:

After a very substantive discussion on this, they reached an
agreement that they would start a cyber unit to make sure that there was
absolutely no interference whatsoever, that they would work on
cybersecurity together…

He mentioned it at least three times during the press conference in reference to how “brilliantly” (the exact word he used several times) Trump handled the election hacking issue. Mnunchin wasn’t in the meeting, so you have to assume he was instructed to say this. They (most likely Trump himself) thought this was evidence of a brilliant negotiation that needed to be crowed about in the press conference. After watching Lindsey Graham, John McCain and little Marco Rubio rip him a new one over the weekend, he now says he knew all along it couldn’t happen. Does this sound like the blustery, over-confident alpha male he tries to portray himself as? No, it lays bare his fragile insecure ego that won’t let him admit mistakes ever. If he weren’t taking the rest of the country down with him, it would just be sad and pitiful.

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It is standard MO for Donald to undercut his subordinates, why should Mnunchin be spared…?

The problem for Trump is that he is now as subject to threats from his national security team as he already was from Russia. So when they say “Hell no” to something like this, he has to back down.

At some point, either Putin or McMaster are going to burn him.

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Great - subcontracting US cyber security to the Russian govmt… WTF? Just… WTF?

Hey, he was just spitballin’ ya know, toying with the idea of legitimizing Vlad’s interference with Democracy, he was only serious until he wasn’t.

I mean what kind of idiot would partner up with the guy that just ate his lunch and made him a fool.
Only a truly dense clown would even think of such a thing.

Next up; do we really need Alaska?

not really the point of what I was saying, but yes Trump does that a lot.

Having saId that Mnunchin wasn’t really undercut, but does look foolish. He was clearly instructed to send out this message–to tout the brilliant negotiating skill of POTUS–probably by POTUS himself (keep in mind only Tillerson and Trump were in the actual meeting). Not enough attention was paid to this “unit” until Trump himself tweeted about the cyber security unit himself. Trump actually reinforced it, before he backed off–Trump undercut himself as much as he did Mnunchin.

Yes that is also standard Trump procedure …“Muslim Ban” “Muslim Ban” “Muslim Ban”

Still backing away?
Very serious questions once again about trump loyalties - Putin or USA?