So the fake, phony,ersatz counterfeit, full of s hit lying fraud is going to give us the REAL lowdown huh?The thought of him being truthful about anything is thoroughly preposterous.
Poor ol` Wibbly-Wobbly , he cannot read OR write .
what he meant to say was “i’ll read a real book. someday.”
He has yet to read a book…let alone write one…Dotard bonespurs ,lying, old, fraud, and crook is the DIRTY JOKE.
The Washington Enquirer
He probably didn’t write any of these Tweets, they are more or less comprehensible. I am sure everyone will be waiting line to buy his bestseller when it comes out. They do provide pencil and paper in prison, right?
Katelyn WHO versus Bob Woodward.
by then, they may not give him any sharp instruments…
To paraphrase Joseph Pasternak:
You call this a book? Give me a couple of 5,000 dollar a week writers and I’ll write it myself!
well, Woodward has everyone on tape to back it up. Maybe he needs to drop a few recordings on the public and see who’s full of shit then.
“You cannot take this book too seriously.”
That may be very true. Words can be so ambiguous.
I just love Infrastructure Week.
“Many have already come forward to say the quotes by them, like the book, are fiction. Dems can’t stand losing. I’ll write the real book!”
And right after that, he and Lt. Cmdr. Queeg will find out who took the strawberries.
Of course the book is a joke. It’s all about a joke.
I stole this ages ago from a Hive post. Can’t recall the source so apologies for the lack of credit.
Donnie will have plenty of time to write his book, as long as his prison guards give him enough paper and crayons.
That entire run this morning is purely manic. Once again, something is different.
but he DID capitalize Joke, so it must be legit. Its like he knows he audience he appeals to is shrinking or something.
Donald, I am sure that you know that the most important thing about selling a book is to choose a catchy title.
I have just done the paperwork to file for a trademark on “Donald in Dotardland”.
If you are interested, call me.