Discussion: Trump Attacks Critics Of Puerto Rico Aid Effort: 'Politically Motivated Ingrates'

Is there a link?


You think it’s easy to perform journalistic fellatio on demand? Not just once or twice, but every time? Have a heart!


It gets to the point where you just feel filthy reading this piece of trash’s little tweets. Disgusting, vulgar, deplorable. He attacks the Mayor of San Juan from the comfort of his luxury golf resort. Asshat.

There’s 9 or 10 ways we can fix this:

Go to the Post Office and buy a stack of plain, pre-paid postcards at 38 cents each. Make a list of your House Rep’s and Senators’ addresses. The US Congress may not log all e-mails or phone calls (they probably keep a running talley) and phones are usually answered by volunteers or interns. A sealed letter can be held up while it is checked for anthrax or whatever but postcards sail right thru and they’ll have a handwritten hard copy of your opinions. At 38 cents you can send a lot of opinions they have to deal with. Make your GOP Representative OWN Trump and all the piles of crap he leaves in the corners.

Run for office- the 2018 elections are only 13 months away, and if Trump and Louie Gohmert can get elected what’s to stop a qualified candidate?

Become a Precinct Committee Officer, sometimes it’s a Ward officer. You’ll meet with neighborhood Dems and get out the vote. Find good citizens willing to run for office.

Register people to vote. If you need to help people overcome the GOP-led Voter run-around help them do that.

Run for School Board. Make sure Civics is being properly taught. Think a majority of America knows how government works? Just 26% of eligible voters in America voted for Trump and half of eligible voters stayed home last November. Today’s 12-year olds will be voting for President in 8 years.

Run for Mayor, City Council, County Commissioner, Borough Assembly.

Get appointed to your Planning Commission. Know everything going on in your community.

Run for State Legislature or Congress. The next census is in 2020, then we’ll redraw Congressional Districts. Get rid of GERRYMANDERING! Safe GOP seats gave us such intellectual giants as Louie Gohmert and Steve King. In most cases it’s the state Legislature that draws Congressional boundaries. Make it FAIR, OPEN and HONEST!

Overturn Citizens United. Money is NOT speech and Corporations are NOT people- at least not until Texas executes one.
Overturn any voter ID laws the are clearly an attempt to disenfranchise.


Yes. Any Puerto Rican elected official or resident who is not singing Hosannas to Donald J. Trump’s awesome response to the Hurricane, even though after almost two weeks, the large number of (well intentioned) Federal Bureaucrats eating scarce food, drinking scarce water, living in hotels with adequately fueled generators, Air Conditioning and running water to bathe, have yet to show minimally adequate results. Any Puerto Rican elected official or resident who is not singing It’s A Grand Old Flag and thanking Donald Trump for belatedly sending 10,000 troops, a fraction of the troops recently sent to Florida and Texas.


Getting it now. It’s on the Kos “There’s a medical center down here”…
Be back.


It is this exact dynamic which made the response to awful in the first place. From what I have read there were meetings/calls in preparation - and contact with officials in PR before the landfall. Then came the NFL weekend long twitter rage/obsession - no mention of PR until early Monday am (surely in response to something he saw on early CNN or MSNBC because Fox prbablly wasn’t covering it. Because of his inattention - all actions from the feds slowed to a halt.

He is now playing it out again - in terms of this compulsive need to act out via twitter rages and then watch media reaction (maybe play a round of golf or get a phonecall) then react to the bad news put everything on halt again while he serves his impulses for another round of twitter rages.

This pattern OBSTRUCTS his ability to carry out his job because he has no attention span beyond the twitter rages/review of media about himself after the rages, followed by more twitter rages, etc.


Yep, if I understood that correctly.

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I read it elsewhere as well. But it is still a based on a conversation with someone in Puerto Rico. I think it is still one of those yet to be verified stories. I hope it is wrong (how horrible), but it is a realistic scenario given the conditions.


I agree.Calling it manipulative implies that he doesn’t believe it. He does. Completely.


Good. People who want it can find it. Thanks for saving me the trouble. OT-I still go with the Gerson interpretation of Trump that I posted before. But either way the remedies are the same.

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Well here is a new way to refer to 45, PPMI=President Politically Motivated Ingrate, or Pres. G.O.A.T. P.M.I…


I have to wonder how many of the tidbits that enrage him and motivate his outbursts are the products of Putin. This episode will function in much the same way as the NFL debacle did–by dividing the country even more than it is. I expect that by the end of the week we’ll be seeing tweets, if not actual FOX news pundits, claiming that PR “residents” are not actual citizens of the US, that they don’t pay taxes, and that POTUS is personally donating more to the relief effort than all liberals put together. His supporters will believe it. He will believe it.
And Putin will laugh.


I think Trump is trying to play Puerto Rico so they will tell the USA to go to hell, when the next time they vote for independence. This would mean that any Puerto Ricans in the USA would no longer be US citizens but become deportable aliens and no longer can vote when in the United States mainland.


He should be made to bring the caskets.


Mayor Cruz is and will become the new target for the GOP, but she did her people and the nation a service by screaming loudly enough until the MSM heard the truth about what is going on in PR. Trump’s appearance on Tuesday will be more of a disinformation campaign, but the media have now been alerted to the deficiencies and remaining gaps, and now they are locked in.


You can certainly bet Putin and his intelligence service know how to provoke situations and also exploit the ones that occur randomly.


The truth will out in time, poor solace for the people of Puerto Rico. But I know in my heart of hearts that when the numbers are complied and the autopsy of this Hurricane Maria and response is analyzed there will more deaths that occurred after Sept. 20th than on Sept. 20th. And Mr. President own each and everyone of those deaths.


Yeah, there are parallels here to the Russki’s exploitation of Trump’s BLM divisiveness.


To be clear, this is the mayor of San Juan who he insulted. She's using a bullhorn to find people. pic.twitter.com/OsbcNKANLd

— Denice Frohman (@denicefrohman) September 30, 2017

She is doing a lot more than that. This is her wading through the water with a bullhorn looking for people trapped.


yes - while she is spending endless days slogging through flood water - meeting & helping people face to face … sleeping on a cot - if that … just watch - The GOP will despicably try to “Swiftboat her” and will conjure up false rumors to smear her -

But what do you expect - these are the vermin who will boo John McCain - and say they hope he dies soon - boo a Gold star mom - Mock amputee veteran Senator Tammy Duckworth - a portion of the GOP has become a zombie cult that is incapable of basic rationality - and views intelligent interaction with those possessing different views as simply worthless - and should be opposed and attacked.