She didn’t sit in my lap…err I mean stand real close to me…yea yea that’s it stand real close…
Any male that uses the word “Huge” as much as Trump, must be compensating for something. Just saying…
After correcting Trump in a professional manner and attempting to steer the conversation to being about Trump and his policy proposals, I would have told him I’ve had enough, cut off his right butt cheek, handed it to him on a silver platter and cut the mic. I’m good at ad-libbing on politics and that’s what I would have done with the remainder of the time slot. That is how a serious journalist would handle Trump when he insisted on this uncalled for line of attack on a colleague. Done. (Yes, I have worked in broadcast media, though TV was not my specialty).
I wounder what the fuck this asshole thinks the President is up against? They call Obama weak, soft and spineless but I’ve never heard him bellyache like the GOP’ers of late? For Christ’s sake Obama sat down with O’Rielly and took the one sided shit he dishes out and never bitched. Does Trump expect this crap to carry weight in the Oval Office?
Yes my “mute” button is going to get a workout over the next year.
It occurs to me though, that all this obnoxious stuff we hate is his achilles heel. The guy is still emailing some journalist who long ago called him short-fingered. He can’t let anything go. I’m no political professional but even I can see how a co-ordinated campaign of attacks from all quarters could drive this guy into doing stupid things everyone can notice. Of course, we would need a DNC with actual teeth, something DWS doesn’t seem to be interested in.
I think the Democrats’ strategy for now is to let the Republicans eat their own. I don’t necessarily think it’s a bad idea. Let’s see who’s left in the clown car come spring.
m beginning to think that Trump actually thinks belittling people in public is the main asset for a POTUS candidate. Other than building a “classy” wall … I can’t come up with anything that would be considered a position on an issue. While that’s pretty sad, what is REALLY sad is how many people in our country seem to be buying his snake oil. Even though Barnum never said the line, Trump has taken it and run with it to his own success.
“She never reports on my crowd sizes,” he continued. “I have the biggest crowds. She shows her face, and never scans the room and shows the tremendous crowds that I’m getting.”
Good lord, is he an a-hole. Do the people who say they’ll vote for him just not listen to him? Or do they think this constitutes acceptable discourse in ANYONE?
“I got big lines! Tell everyone I got big lines!”
He sounds like a three-year-old.
So that means that The Donald loses on both accounts.
I’m wondering if the people who support him actually find this admirable, all this self-congratulation and obsessive resentment. Maybe they aspire to be like that. Trouble is, you can only be like that and get away with it if you’re really rich.
When Jessie Jackson made his presidential runs, he drew huge crowds. How did that translate to votes, Trumpy? Yeah, thought so.
I think the answer to that is clearly “yes”.
There is almost always a minimal level of self-congratulatory, self-promotion, conceitedness, I’m-the-better-guy, etc. to most politicians but this guy takes the cake and icing. Drinks a lot of whine, too. Every damn conversation has to be about “him,” not any policy positions. No one in their right mind would support this clownery – which means there are millions of Americans not in their right minds.
I can’t watch or listen anymore. How anyone could want someone to be President who says and does the things he does is beyond me.
Cuomo responded that Trump gets plenty of media attention, saying “everybody is uniform in their reporting that you are certainly the biggest _________ in the race.”
Cuomo filled in the blank with “celebrity.” I’m sure most of us could suggest a wide variety of better words to use.
This is the same tRump that complained that other reporters were too emotional. He is a spoiled, entitled child.
Poor poor Donald. Everyone has shortcomings, malintent, personality disorders, not enough energy, and is deeply flawed except for him. I think the one with the mental health issues and the inadequacies is Mr. Trump. The only thing I can agree with him on is that the media has made some mistakes. They have been far too kind and looked the other way when they should have blasted him for his crude and childish behavior.
“Im beginning to think that Trump actually thinks belittling people in public is the main asset for a POTUS candidate.”
I’m absolutely convinced that Trump thinks what he is doing is identical to what Obama did to him at the correspondents dinner a couple of years ago. It’s like he sees everything through a telescope, from both ends. When he looks at assets his are always Yuuuge while others are minuscule. When he looks at deficits, he turns the scope around and sees everything the other way. The man has NO realistic sense of self.
Clearly The Rump only likes Russian women. The Fox woman has blood coming out, the CNN woman is too unemotional. Next he’ll be demeaning the next debate be moderated by Miss Ukraine.
Donnie —exhibiting symptoms of gynophobia…
Uses intimidation as cover.