Discussion: Trump At Putin Presser: Mueller Probe Is 'A Disaster For Our Country'

Which is why the polls all show 80-90% support for Trump among “Republicans” and more “Independents” swing “conservative.” The only Republicans still in the GOP are Trumpists or completely beholden to Trumpists. The rest have gone “independent,” though they still tend to vote for the Republicans on the ballot.


Same here. There’s no one at the helm. We have Captain Queeg that demands having a rudderless ship at sea and wants the crew to sacrifice all for his over-inflated ego. We’re in big doo-doo with this moron taking up space at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. The only thought that asshole has ever had in that pea-brain head of his is “what’s in it for me?” He’s a disgrace to this country.


I think it must be a combination of things. Suppose Putin had kompromat on Trump of a sexual nature (and I agree that the pee tape is not bad enough; I would suspect it is sex with underage girls if there is anything). But if Trump weren’t running for president why would that matter? Would many people care if some salacious material on Trump private citizen was released by the Russian government? Clearly Putin must have a financial hold on him. And yes that would include evidence of past financial crimes but again that wouldn’t be worth much if Trump weren’t a politician.

So there must be something compelling Trump to jump in the arena in the first place. It must be that he is deeply in debt to the Russian mob and they are threatening to call in the chips. That would be what’s driving him to continue on this crazed path–that and the hope of Trump Tower Moscow or something similar-- and then the fear of his financial crimes being revealed and being exposed as broke is what makes him totally subservient. There could be sexual kompromat on top of all that.

But it seems that Trump’s image is all he has and the thought of that being destroyed would be like death to him. So he is willing to pay any price to try to prevent that from happening.

That’s my best guess at the moment.


Seconded. I’ve thought from the start that sex with adolescent minors is more likely than the pee tape story. Of course, it’s possible that Russian intelligence services have both on tape.


Cc: @altdrew

Ah, I’m way behind the curve (I have weird hours).

I am glad to be wrong on this topic.

Thanks y’all!

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Financial crimes assuredly.

I’ve heard there’s far, far worse.

Consider that every accusation has been an admission of own guilt e.g.

“Hollywood elites” = “We’re global plutocrats”
“Her emails” = Russia’s hacking emails
“Crooked” = We’re actual gangsters
“It’s rigged” = We’re rigging it

So what’s #PizzaGate about?

Cc @matthew1961


That tracks with something that Josh brought up a long time ago, probably before the election. Josh noted that Trump’s business dealings all seem to be massively over leveraged. It came up talking about what his financial disclosure forms showed (which was only a taste of what the fabled tax returns could provide). I don’t remember the specifics, but it involved moving a lot of cash around and constantly making new deals, which Josh surmised to be like a massive Ponzi scheme where he’s constantly getting loans and cash to pay off the previous round of creditors and then he has to get new deals for the next round.

Should anyone ever call in the debts, Trump was going to collapse spectacularly. Though who knows what would happen now with all the emoluments violations and other graft?

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I thought it was a response to the lawsuit about Trump’s rape of the thirteen year old girl. She withdrew her suit due to fear for her life. I wonder if what Micheal Cohen had to do with that.

I’ve not said it out loud before but I’ve had this nagging suspicion that there is human trafficking involved somewhere in this web.

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PizzaGate was story about the pizzeria where supposedly HRC had children in the basement who were being trafficked. And, some poor sap believed the story, went in with his gun, and is now doing time.

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Yes. I was discussing the reason the story was created.

Hey, Trump, if you are listening: Everybody knows you colluded.

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Oh, okay, don’t remember the two things being related. Thanks

Hell, he did it on live TV with a worldwide audience!

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The Disaster speaks . .

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One of the patterns of the last campaign was that whatever liability Trump had was painted over on to Hillary. Trump Foundation, Clinton Foundation and so forth.

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That would be a small piece of it.

Remember: Every accusation is admission of own guilt.

Cc @holywah



Cc @moderately

Ugh. I’d prefer to be wrong.

I would not have enjoyed the watching the feed any more more than I did even had I read your comment first.

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