Palandino is just the exception that proves the rule re: Our post racial society, as declared by Chief Justice Roberts.
Carl Paladino, elected member of the Buffalo School District where 80% of the student body is racial or ethnic minorities and the district is in receivorship. Let that sink in for a hot minute.
He speaks for the “average” trump supporter. What a piece of shit.
The man is one of the people who orbit around Trump. Others sit on Tapes of Trump saying things equally shocking but do not release them because of fear of a five million dollar judgement they might face. Nobody hates just one group of people. We are entering a very bleak time. I do not say this as a Democrat, I say this as an American who loves his country and country people. We are all going to be hurt by the mischief afoot. And there is no telling if it can be stopped or where. Can you imagine anyone so cold as to advocate for a nuclear arms race during this particular time of year. For the first time Fox got it right about a war on Christmas.
my wish is Carl gets prostate cancer and they use radiation to burn his dick off.
These guys need some educaten.
Mad cow is not an STD. It’s straight from God to gay cows.
This quote is going to get worn out over the next four years:
All men have an emotion to kill; when they strongly dislike some one they involuntarily wish he was dead. I have never killed any one, but I have read some obituary notices with great satisfaction. - Clarence Darrow
True GOPer.
My wish is that this smirking sunked-eyed ghoul disappear into a cornfield to the sound of screams and baseball bats smacking something wet.
Well then. In the Carl Paladino spirit of Christmas my wish for 2017 is that he is diagnosed with Stage IV dick cancer and lives out his final days in a vacant Senegalese ebola ward.
Carl Paladino all by himself can make a convincing argument for the existence of sub-humans, though I wouldn’t damn whatever race he is, just him.
So he’s not helping in his current elected (?) position, quelle surprise.
This guy gives ignorant Republican asshole new meaning.
people like this serve as a reminder for Democrats to be just as respectful to Trump as Republicans were to Obama.
His lack of either stature or girth makes him naturally immune to dick cancer.
And this is where we get him and his little followers too. Paint him not as a Trump friend and surrogate, but as the voice of all those who support Trump. If a journalist wants to know what a Trump support thinks, hopes for, their secret and not so secret desires then this guy to the go to guy.
actually dick cancer would effect his head because he’s definitely a dickhead.
Or a few people living in complete, crippling fear of him. Somebody as brazenly callous as this guy is in public is probably a sadistic, abusive sociopath behind closed doors.
“The GOP is full of guys who never grew up emotionally. Palladino is one of them, ever the adolescent.”
He’s not the only one.(Hint)