Discussion: Trump Aims To Boost 'Energy Dominance' Of US By Increase In Oil, Gas Exports

President Obama already went there done it, and did it right with alternative energy also in the mix so we don’t have to depend on foreign countries and become energy independent some day. Congress should pass tax cuts for solar and wind energy. Just saying.


As China, Europe and Japan, Korea increase their dominance in renewable energy technology exports, no one will want our fucking oil. Not even us.


Should someone tell him that the rest of the world has moved on, to renewable energy, and is shutting down its use of fossil fuels? He’s embracing a dinosaur industry (pun intended).

So! they’re going to send oily , gaseous pols elsewhere?

Oil exports are dropping due to other nations embracing alternative energy sources. The oil industry might be able to retard the growth of renewable energy in the US’, but the rest of the world has other plans.

Well we won’t lack for lube so maybe not as painful as it could be!

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The administration goal has nothing to do with “dominance” or even exports.

The goal is to help fossil fuel companies make more money by allowing them to do more drilling and pumping and processing and transport, in more places, with less regard for safety and environmental concerns and with less money paid to extract resources from public lands.

We know that boosting exports is not the goal (though they would be a side effect) of the administration, because there is no coordinated activity beyond that which helps the fossil fuel supply chain make more money.

If the goal was to increase energy exports, there would be much more attention to reducing energy consumption in the US. The US produces huge amounts of energy, but we consume even more. A barrel of oil saved on the consumption side is as exportable as a barrel from increased production (and the barrel pulled from the ground is gone forever).

Does Texan Rick Perry honestly think the Bush administration wasn’t oil bidness friendly?