Discussion: Trump Aide: I've Seen No Evidence Of Moment Of Silence For Dallas Shooter

I wouldn’t dispute any of that. And I’ve had an extremely low opinion of TV news (for lack of a better term) for about the last 30 years. They generally weren’t adequate to represent reality when things were much more rational, and with this new era they’re hopeless. But still, Cuomo said, doggedly, have you seen this thing happen? And the guy had to say no. He came out with another damn lie just as outrageous, but he was forced to make an admission. That’s something. It’s an attempt. I don’t think that series of questions is enough to make the whole Trump project fall down like the walls of Jericho, but I think it’s worth a microscopic morsel of credit for an effort made. @squirreltown Sure, he just kept bullshitting. That’s how they do. If it were me, I might have lost my head and said, “You didn’t see that either, you fat potato-head fuck!” But for some reason I’m not a cable-news host.


If only CNN called out trump on all his lies. But that would hurt ratings.


They know they don’t have to prove a thing. Once the lie is out there, with enough repetition, it is accepted as truth. The same goes with the anti-semitic tweet – they do it intentionally.


They were about as reverent as dancing GWB was at the Dallas memorial service for the slain policemen. Now, that everyone saw, but I don’t think Fox carried that or commented on this silly man’s actions.

He has seen no evidence because none exists. How easily we confuse the deranged rantings of Donald (“The Vulgar Talking Yam”) with the truth? Please stop reporting his fantasies as facts.


I would say there is no one celebrating the shooting in dallas …there are some sick shits out there…but the very vast majority don’t sympathize with that shooter they condem him for the actions he took it defeats the cause …


I have a disgusting metaphor that fits here but I won’t use it. I’ve watched a few good, hard interviews on CNN lately…the first few times I’ve watched the net in a few years…but I don’t have stomach or the rubber thigh boots for the required wading thru the surrounding ‘programming’…

Clovis: “Well OK … I actually have not … but I want to say that I had … in fact that is my belief … and we are a country that protects peoples’ beliefs … and so that has to count for something”

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For someone who is such a supposedly brilliant business person and judge of character (his words, not mine) Trump sure must be cheap, because the “talent” he hires for his spokespersons are really the worst of the worst. He should just cut his looses and hire $ister $arah, because she’d work just for the publicity, and he’d not have to part with a dime.


Why is is that talking heads can’t call bullshit out when they see it and it’s painfully obvious?
Welp …to answer my own question:… profit. And viewership.

Journalism…real journalism… is dead.


What is it with the big “Clovis” sign behind him in the picture?

Are we really sure he is a “Trump Spokesman” ? How does that work ? Maybe he just claims to be one…?

Hey Cuomo, good for you!

I guess Clovis had no points.


Hires!!! Are we sure money is being exchanged for services? Trump’s people have the look of camp followers, traveling carnival people…


I see no evidence that anyone in the trump conglomeration speaks truth. Publicly anyway. Maybe behind closed doors they’re talking truth amongst themselves…that they’re gonna LOSE. And lose bigly.



I don’t think their ratings could get any worse…

/snark, but true.

And I hope they take jony mc with them!

Someone needs to tell Oliver Hardy here to shut the fuck up!

The answer to that question is controversial.

There are some who say “no, he won’t be able to point to any example.”

But, others see it differently. They would answer: “oh hell no, everybody knows that the the lying fuck just made it up.”

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I’m not certain, it’s accepted as “truth” per se, but the lie does enter the realm of “truthiness” (thanks Colbert) or “common wisdom”, “some folks say”, or “well, we just know” kinds of mental constructs like “expansionary austerity”, “trickle down theory”, equating weather with climate, etc. The MSM has a particular problem here because, like lawyers, they often respond to rhetoric, how well and forcefully the argument is presented, rather than empirical evidence and probablistic facts and cause-and-effect outcomes.


I was just reading about the great choclate weight loss “experiment” by Bohannon. The author reveals that a PR friend coached him on carrying out the hoax thusly,

“The key is to exploit journalists’ incredible laziness. If you lay out the information just right, you can shape the story that emerges in the media almost like you were writing those stories yourself. In fact, that’s literally what you’re doing, since many reporters just copied and pasted our text.”