Rigged election, my ass.
“Let’s #MAGA!”
Maga? Isn’t that some sort of Japanese anime thing?
Thanks Scavino! I will now start an effort to investigate people who submitted absentee ballots here in PA and then are able to show up to vote in person because that would mean that, with few exceptions, they lied on their absentee ballot application about their inability to vote in person on election day!
I sure do appreciate help from crooked 'pubs whenever I get it!
Did you call the number TPM? I would think that would be the first thing you’d do…
They’ll be tweeting the same crap on November 9 after they lose.
Putin couldn’t have found a better person or party to destabilize our Democracy.
And when you call, just lie and give them the name of someone you know voted democrat - then ask them to switch that vote to straight Republican.
Election officials across the country have to be pulling out their hair at this.
Probably Putin’s personal cell: “Goood morning. For Russian press 1. If you would loik to change your American election vote to His Great-e-nest Donald Trump, press 2 and one of our hacker specialists will be with you shortly.”
or forget to tell them you actually voted already
It’s the state bureau of elections.
Most of us come from humble backgrounds, but 3 years ago this guy was Donald’s caddy whose most important decision was club selection from 150 yards out.
One day he is advising golf club selection, another he is advising Trump what finger to use to press the nuke button. We are all fucked if Trump wins, where before what this guy had to say maybe made a difference only in a birdie or a par shot.
I feel sick.
Doesn’t this violate the consent decree in some way? Or does that only apply to the RNC?
If he wins we lose.
He will have stolen the election and the rest of us need to hold him and his supporters accountable.
It looks like the only one doing the rigging is the RNC and Trump, no surprise there.
Again…‘Corrupt Hillary’ my ass. C’mon media…REPORT!
Maybe it’s a Trump campaign donations spammer posing as the state bureau of elections. Collecting phone numbers to call and solicit money tomorrow. /jk but hey