Discussion: Trump Ag Dept Conceals Studies About Impact Of Climate Change On Food Production

Yes, but in much fewer numbers.

The tariffs and “easy to win” trade wars have already helped with that.


Kansas City should be renamed Koch City because they absolutely run the place.

  1. Since Trump won’t agree to be interviewed by anyone who will challenge him on this sort of thing then the Dem nominee will have a treasure trove of information to use in the appropriate farm states. Imagine the frenzied tweeting after an ad hits that shows this information.
  2. Back in the 80’s the Reagan administration suppressed a report on education that was much different than A Nation at Risk. The report, which came to be known in education research circles as The San Dia Report, was published originally by researchers at San Dia via their Xerox machines.
    What the country needs is for these scientists to San Dia Report these studies.

“Science- schmience!”

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Their voters like to ignore truth too. I think the thing that will save us is that they are mostly old white folks and they are dying off and the next generation is not as blind or prejudice.

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Well, Pence did say over the weekend that the Administration believes in science and global warming, so all is good. Those words alone reversed everything that has occurred over the past 50 years. We should expect a new ice age starting this winter season.


This planting season/harvest - in many farm regions - is already deeply affected by Climate Change this year - we will be getting an indication of this across the coming year. A lot of farm land is still underwater or still so water-logged that planting is tenuous and planting season is waning (has waned?)

I expect the price of any corn product to rapidly increase as the crop estimates come in. Ethonal - up, corn flakes - up, corn “sugar” - up. O hell, Coke and Pepsi doubling in price will cause riots.


I was gonna work that in, but my outrage well is getting perilously close to dry.


“You can kiss Nebraska goodbye” - opening remarks by one of my classmates on a panel of experts on climate change at my recent college reunion :pensive:

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what you don’t want for your purposes is corn- the largest user of petro chemicals in agribusiness

Depends - what kind of cashout does he expect from the insurance claim when it happens?

I think it’s becoming obvious for more voters how repubs tailor their policies. These are 2 messages I would like to see from dem candidates:

  • I will never create policy explicitly designed to hurt people
  • I want to make voting simple for all eligible voters, including the ones who will probably never vote for me

Paraphrasing Earl Butz:

“I’ll tell you what the Americans want. It’s three things: first, tight shale gas; second, loose groundwater rules; and third, as many Roundup-Resistant plant strains as possible.”

From a state where Ag is the main industry, this is maddingly criminal. How do farmers vote Republican? Oh yeah! Last week the criminal made his way from the WH to Iowa and changed a rule to allow 15% ethanol and the price of corn rises dramatically while the soybean farmer is struggling.

Personal anecdote-in 2002, my sisters and I sold a farm in KS for just under $100,000. Today that farm is appraised at over $600,000. How did that happen? During W admn ethanol was allowed, corn became the most profitable farm product?

This cannot be sustained as the climate conditions eventually render the climate unfit for raising corn. Short sighted will lose in the long run.


Unfortunatly some things the criminals in the WH did helps the farmers while others(trade) harm them. So far soybean farmers are hurting while last week a rule changed to allow 15% ethanol mixture which has a huge impact on the profit for corn growers. There was a handout passed by Repugs to pay farmers partially for their loses. Absolutely stupid governing but some farmers are cheering all the way to the bank.

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I’m sure they will handle it the same way Cockholster handled it at his money-losing golf course in Doonbeg, Ireland — get a permit to build a seawall.

Fun Fact: He cited “global warming and its effects” as the reason for the rising tides.

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And dont lets forget - Denigrate Solar and Wind Energy, continue to push Coal, Oil and Fracking industries until the last nickel of value has been extracted from the ground for their owners and shareholders. Then, turn to our grandchildren, and say, “Gee…will someone who is really really really good at Science, figure out a Free Market Solution to save Humanity from the Totally Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition Planet we are leaving you?”


In other news, the chocolate ration has just been raised to 20 grams.


Even more important are studies showing that when temperatures hit a certain limit (varies depending on the plant), the plant shuts down photosynthesis until the temperature drops. This effect has already reduced yields of corn, wheat and soy in the midwest.


There are many more similar articles

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