Discussion: Trump Ag Dept Conceals Studies About Impact Of Climate Change On Food Production

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I hear if you ignore a mole on your back that turns deep black and increases in size over time it will eventually go away.


Who ARE these people?!? Will they conceal a study showing devastating sea level rises if it threatens Rush Limbaugh’s waterfront property?

We used to respect science. We used to respect other countries. We used to respect our elected leaders.

Register people to vote. PLEASE run for office! Make America AMERICA again!


According to Politico’s review of the promotion of the studies department’s studies in the past, the Trump administration is breaking with precedent by not boosting the studies…

Whaaat?! You mean to tell me they’re not firing the authors of the report and limiting the distribution to “Eyes Only” within the WH? Most transparent administration evah!


Seems like all Republican strategy like global warming, tax cuts, debt, health care, welfare, etc., are not designed to help anyone but the rich and any evidence that shows otherwise is covered up, denied and ignored.


The Trump administration is doing this kind and more to force its own policies on climate change regulations. Another example:


Decades ago when I was high school debater looking to fill quote files with credible quotes, government statistics and publications were the gold standard. When you produced a government publication quote it would never be challenged by an opponent or questioned by a debate judge. Mr. Trump’s corruption of the U.S. bureaucracy is truly saddening.


Why study anything? The Trump regime won’t respect facts or acknowledge science unless it’s consistent with the party line. November 2020 can’t come soon enough.


No, but they are shipping the career scientists off to Kansas City in the hope they will quit and can be replaced with Trumpster hacks.



Kansas City, Trump’s Gulag…… that’s bad !


Farmers voted against their own economic interest in 2016.

And they’ll do it again next year.


Attributed to Jean-Jacques Rousseau

When the people shall have nothing more to eat, they will eat the rich.


A) In this administration, the studies will eventually leak out. Count on it.
B) This planting season/harvest - in many farm regions - is already deeply affected by Climate Change this year - we will be getting an indication of this across the coming year. A lot of farm land is still underwater or still so water-logged that planting is tenuous and planting season is waning (has waned?)


The USDA grain forecasts used to be amazingly accurate because of the large sample size – some areas would have lower than average, some higher, but the total could be estimated with amazing accuracy. That is not the case anymore because of instabilities brought on by climate change. These instabilities will have serious impacts on all aspects of crop production, which will ultimately increase prices. The future is not so bright you will need to wear glasses.


It’s up to the American people to show that it won’t be covered up. Otherwise, we are doomed.


I don’t think that will be a uniform given in 2020. Perhaps on the whole - but I think there will be a chunk of farm votes lopped off from the Trump Coalition.


If they ship enough, Missouri will turn blue. At least citizens of DC being afford the opportunity to vote is a silver lining. I suspect they won’t be voting for Trump or other republicans.


Wait? You mean Climate Change can impact farmers and crops?! Huh, who would have thought? :unamused:

TPM needs an eyeroll emoji


How Chernobylesque of them…

Lies have a cost…

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Among many concerning findings, the studies found that rice does not contain as many vitamins when grown in carbon-heavy environments and carbon dioxide increases can reduce the growth of grasses needed to raise cattle.

How about carbon in the soil?
I’m wondering because I was kind of hopeful about this plan to take out one trillion metric tons of carbon out of the atmosphere:

Added: Never mind, I found the answer I was looking for:

Soil organic carbon is the basis of soil fertility. It releases nutrients for plant growth, promotes the structure, biological and physical health of soil, and is a buffer against harmful substances.
Increasing soil organic carbon has two benefits – as well as helping to mitigate climate change, it improves soil health and fertility. Many management practices that increase soil organic carbon also improve crop and pasture yields.