Discussion: Trump Advisor: Any 'Reasonable' Woman Would've Already Come Forward

You mean the family expert on Donald’s tiny hands groping her.


This fast-talking Delgado woman’s Rottweiler act evolved somewhat throughout yesterday’s MSNBC broadcasts but her fake anger and victim response objectification stayed hot and camera ready.


“…but we should be talking about more important things, in any case. Look, we’ve found another woman claiming Bill Clinton kissed her in 1991!”

I assume that even Team Trump isn’t dumb enough to go ahead with the “turn Clinton into Cosby” strategy at this point. Or maybe they just don’t care anymore.

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They’re dumb enough. Besides, they’ll do what Donald demands.
I predict we’ll see the whole stable by Sunday.


Trump completely did this to himself. He decided to go scorched earth by going at Bill Clinton instead of trying to make a better case for being president, not knowing or caring what “scorched earth” actually means. You make that land unsuitable for use by anyone… including yourself.


I hope Hillary invites several of these women to the next debate.

Wow, check out Gingrich’s defense of Trump.
He was “crude”, but that’s in the past. Sorry the excuse of “eftwhile” behavior can’t morph into a defense, Newtie.


Talk about MOAB (mother of all backfires).


I record Chris Hayes to watch later, and whenever she or any other Trump flack comes on, I just fast forward. Why voluntarily waste my time being lied to when I can’t reach through the screen and smack them upside the head?


Yeah A.J. These accusations are 30 years old. Oh wow. And yes, they are probably Hillary supporters because ‘any reasonable woman’ would not want to vote for a sexual predator that groped her. ‘Any reasonable woman’ would not come forward and leave her life and reputation up to the whims of the Trump Women Surrogates who would knife any women in the back to ride on his campaign bus. Please. You’re a joke.


How dare the NYT trivialize sexual assault? Such a serious issue deserves proper respect, and should only be discussed in the most sensitive manner. You know, like “locker room banter” meant to impress Billy Bush, of all people.


“According to the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics, it is believed that only 15.8 to 35 percent of all sexual assaults are reported to police.”

So according to Delgado’s logic reasoning conclusory allegation 65% to 84.2% of women are unreasonable. That provides foundational support for the Trump supporters’ #RepealThe19th movement to repeal and not replace the 19th amendment.

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She is upset because she thought she was the only one who was grabbed by Trump. Not special anymore.

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Pardon me, but wasn’t this same thing said about the women accusing Bill Cosby?


I am too… the women are coming out now because they can, it’s safe. Like any one that has been subject to this crapola… if you make noise you are likely to be fired, trashed, ignored and not believed. Trumps own words provided them with a safe zone to come out and tell their stories. Because he lied.


The statement that the Trump Advisor Says… It’s Not Sexual Assault Unless The Victim Reports It Right Away…

Sounds similar to what Attorneys for Bill Cosby and the RC Church try to use,


Delgado is an insult to Latinas everywhere.

When asked if she would lie to protect HO, the nearest hat said. “Drop me!”


So is she a lesser known Ann Coulter?

No—Delgado is actually female.


It became safer since social media and others on the ground rallied around Brock the Rapist Turner’s actions and light sentence. It became a safer place with one of Cosby’s victims getting her day in court. It became safer with backlash against the Affluenza teen’s sentence and $=lighter sentence, for killing no less. It’s became safer after Sandra Fluke and Nappy Headed Hos caused an uproar.
It is safer but safe for women in America.