Yeah, they’d say that Terry Southern nightmare farcical stuff went out decades ago, smarten up, kid.
Well, the results were…something none of us will forget.
But something a lot of us didn’t learn from. : (
Yep. There you go - that sounds just like something that would please Leader Dearest - something to remember forever.
Nevermind that the Shi’a really don’t want a Caliphate and wouldn’t consider us enemies if we didn’t back the Sunni so consistently.
Now that brings back some bad memories.
Like yesterday?
Hey, the military industrial complex has to do something to stay in business. So we’ve got a proud history of training and arming our future opponents!
From Syriana (2005)
Danny Dalton - Some trust fund prosecutor, got off-message at Yale thinks he’s gonna run this up the flagpole? Make a name for himself? Maybe get elected some two-bit congressman from nowhere, with the result that Russia or China can suddenly start having, at our expense, all the advantages we enjoy here? No, I tell you. No, sir! Corruption charges! Corruption? Corruption is government intrusion into market efficiencies in the form of regulations. That’s Milton Friedman. He got a goddamn Nobel Prize. We have laws against it precisely so we can get away with it. Corruption is our protection. Corruption keeps us safe and warm. Corruption is why you and I are prancing around in here instead of fighting over scraps of meat out in the streets. Corruption is why we win.
(he’s the guy I posted above)
Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK) is a group known partly for its former designation as a terrorist group [well, that could be a problem], partly for its innovative mixture of socialism [socialism, how are we going to run against the Democrats?] and fundamentalist Islam [aren’t we supposed to use that to scare all the voters?], and partly for its willingness to throw money around Washington [oh, well … OK then - Let’s Do This].
I prefer a Speyside on my Special K. An Islay is better suited to something heartier, like oatmeal.
Haven’t seen that since back when it came out… Maybe need to put that on my re-watch list (after I finish the binge-rewatching of all the episodes of GoT before the final season comes out).
Sometimes I think (hope?) that Ashton Kutcher is going to step out from behind one of the flags behind the presidential podium and shout out to all of us that we’ve been punked…
Very well said, Matt. Very well said.
I totally agree, btw.
It’s 100% relevant, every four or five years.
Naw… it’s been the Emmy-Award-Winning series that makes Game of Thrones look like a walk in the park… Presidential Apprentice: White House Edition
It must be ok to change the regime since Dolt 45 made sure the Russians did so here.
I was a kid when Nixon was president.
I was in college when Reagan was president.
I was in my 30’s when Bush/Cheney started a for-profit war.
But this is the worst administration I have ever seen.
A stopped clock is right twice a day, but a wrong one can be wrong wrong wrong all year long…
this administration makes me wish I drank
How the fuck have you survived since 2016??? Cocaine? Opiods? Weed?