Discussion: Trump Admin: All Eligible Small Children Reunited, But 46 Found Ineligible

All Eligible Small Children Reunited

And are we supposed to believe it? :expressionless:


The officials said 46 of the children were not eligible to be reunited with their parents; a dozen parents had already been deported and were being contacted by the administration.

No one could possibly take this Administration’s word on this. I hope some other agency can look into this.

Immigration attorneys say they already are seeing barriers to those reunifications from a backlog in the processing of fingerprinting of parents to families unable to afford the airfare to fly the child to them — which could run as high as $1,000.x

Any airline that would donate tickets to these families would have my gratitude and benefit immensely from the positive PR.


I call BS on those “reasons”. It seems that if they can’t even find parents in some cases that it is impossible to have conducted the kind of investigations that would yield that information in others.


I read that headline as, “All Edible Small Children Reunited, But 46 Found Ineligible.”

And for an instant, I didn’t even flinch. Okay, I haven’t had coffee yet, but are we really that far down the rabbit hole?


Since the government did the separating in the first place I don’t see why it shouldn’t pay for the flights for reunification.

In many cases it has paid for flights to truck those kids all over the country already.


“Throughout the reunification process, our goal has been the well-being of the children and returning them to a safe environment,” according to a statement from the heads of the three agencies responsible for the process.

With a written statement, the danger that your spokesperson will break into hysterical laughter is eliminated.

“Of course, there remains a tremendous amount of hard work and similar obstacles facing our teams in reuniting the remaining families. The Trump administration does not approach this mission lightly.”

From the first draft:

If fact, the Trump administration would prefer not to approach this mission at all.


I want someone to sue for those costs.

The government made the problem. The government pays the cleanup costs.


Trump Admin: All Eligible Small Children Reunited, But 46 Found Ineligible

The longer this saga of separated young children continues, the worse Trump looks. If that’s possible.


They lie.


five adults whose DNA tests showed they were not parents of the children they claimed to have

The DNA tests only indicate if the parent is the biological parent. For an administration whose campaign was so concerned about adoptions, this is disingenuous.


Just remember, folks, adoption is a business. There’s money to be made. And as always, the younger the children the better.

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And the kicker? President Affluenza no doubt expects a thank you and adulation for reuniting them.


I’m suspicious that this is becoming an opportunity to reinforce their stereotypes of immigrants as criminals, abusers, deviants, etc. Interesting that they seem so concerned with abusive “illegals” but are doing what exactly about abusive American parents?


That was totally part of the plan. Take all the kids, massage some data and then come out saying “we have hundreds of instances of living proof…orphaned children we now must take care of because we could not give them back to the people who brought them here…that border hoppers are all human traffickers, violent criminals, rapists, abusers, etc. etc. etc.”


You would think that an administration that was focused on the well-being of children would have…
kept track of their families,
allowed people to touch them,
given them baths,
provided more of a bed than a blanket on the floor,
allowed their families to apply for asylum instead of charging them with a, pardon the expression, trumped up crime…
And the ideas that it is the children who are ineligible. Shameful.


That’s most certainly true. But the only way these heartless racists will pay is if the courts force them, as they should.

One of the head ACLU lawyers said yesterday that the government may be calling some of these cases “ineligible” for reunification, but that the JUDGE did not consider those same cases exempt from his ruling. I assume this goes back to court . . . .

I don’t. Just yesterday it was being reported only 5 kids had been reunited. Now it’s magically all of them.


That was my first thought, since my daughter is adopted and has been with us since she was 3 days old. Chaos, corruption and cruelty, and then lying about it when it backfires. I cannot imagine the pain of having my child stripped from me.

These fuckers are so obviously just making it up as they go along.