What will you say, donald when one of your rabid followers guns down someone. Good people on both sides?
Face it donald … you suck at your day job. You can only build walls between us, left and right. Governing is bringing 2 sides to consensus. Compromise. Not one side only at the expense of all else. Governing is not like business.
Translation: “You go right ahead and hurt those godless lefties first, because they’d do it to you.”
Quell con! As Samantha Bee would say in Paris.
Alas, we’re missing the Ruby Slippers.
please tell that to the rest of the GOP
Worked for Adolf the (almost) Aryan.
They already know – no “business” could withstand that much graft and survive.
Outgoing violence he likes - but if a car so much as backfires outside the White House he’ll be hiding under the bed and howling for the Secret Service to protect him.
Let’s try getting some demon out of the Ouija board first, it’d be more fun to watch the smack down one of Lucifer’s minions gives Fat Nixon for screwing up their end of times plan.
“Respectfully” is from the same verbal gymnastics pot as “Bless their hearts.”
King Henry VI:
“I’ll send some holy bishop to entreat;
For God forbid so many simple souls
Should perish by the sword! And I myself,
Rather than bloody war shall cut them short,
Will parley with Jack Cade their general:”
So in this case the Queen is Trump ("Think therefore on revenge "), but who is King Henry VI? Henry VI chooses parlay rather than bloodshed and I can’t think what R in Trump World that might be.
Then don’t foment it. We don’t need your version of the Reichstag fire.