Here’s a reminder photo for tRump, the evil POS.
Was this reported? Or did they decide to keep that a “secret”?
Still, it shouldn’t have been covered to be with.
Sadly, I don’t think he does realize it.
It requires every fiber of my self-control not to fill my trunk with bricks and lob them at every vehicle with a Trump sticker
His third-person knows it and compulsively tattles on his 1st Person whenever possible. No President in history has repeated his own name out loud so many, many times.
His ranting about the “and” further displays his ignorance. In “High Crimes and Misdemeanors,” the two nouns were understood by the framers as essentially synonymous rather than as wholly separate categories. The phrase originated in English parliamentary proceedings, and “high” denoted actions by officials of the crown (i.e. persons in high places), not “very serious” crimes. Thus the bar for impeachment was set fairly low. Most of the framers would have known the phrase and its historical meaning, and would have so intended it.
Is it just me who’s tired of the democrat wavering on the impeachment process ? Get more evidence,more testimony etc,etc etc. White house is giving zero cooperation,witness or refusing to testify and are defying subpoenas no less.Bob Mueller says the report is his testimony,I think the Dems are waiting for a written and signed statement from Trump that says he obstructed justice.
Just had to vent,Step up Dems if President Obama had done only (1) of the many and continuing things Trump has and is doing we would be in the second month of impeachment already.
Was the USS Benedict Arnold not available?
Who gives a damn? Can we get back to impeaching this mother fucker?
Then there is this.
If I’m serving on that vessel, I would wonder if the vindictive Commander-In-Chief in the White House might be more inclined to put my ship in harm’s way. He is clearly that petty and that amoral.
But line if sight to the president was still obscured by a barge.
Its like they realized the tarp was going too far (probably more like someone in the navy brass was ready to flip sh*t)
My guess is that they will ensure the USS George H.W. Bush is never in the same place as trump.
At least the aircrew uniform shirts aren’t brown.
Visiting or relocating? I saw my first Trump 2020 hat yesterday. Figured it must be a flat lander suffering from altitude sickness.
enabling Senate, lazy press
Every morning this guy says some new stupid thing and dumps some new pile of poo to get headlines. Doesn’t matter what its about. The guy has no impulse control and for a jerk like that, that’s dangerous to us all. His bullshitting never ends.
he didn’t get up there and string the tarps - the naval personell that OK’d this deserve blame for being ashamed of a ship’s name and dishonoring all who served by carrying out this whim
So trump hates a certain Naval vessel?
Thanks trump for supporting our military buddy (sn)
“Misdemeanors,” don’t forget misdemeanors. Trump is convinced they can’t impeach him because they have to prove both high crimes and misdemeanors and the courts will save him.
Springs or western slope? I haven’t seen any drumpf 2020 stuff yet driving around the Denver metro area.