And Lindsey Graham promptly blocked the vote to release in the Senate.
maybe in classic tRUmpian fashion the comment, and entire existence, only refers to himself?
Dwayne Hoover perhaps?
Damn, you beat me to it!
and fake news all originating in the deep state by enemy of the people the mainstream media. That’s usually the complete thought.
Ass-backwards logic stream …
Reports are that Mueller is seeking a 60 day delay on Gates sentencing; he is still cooperating with Mueller’s investigation.
Could be something there for Trump to be concerned with.
And Lindsey blocked it in the Senate because Hillary needs a SC to investigate all her crimes:
The comments I’ve read and heard from the various House chairmen who are focusing on The Report tell me they have a plan even going so far as to subpoena Mueller to come to a committee and have a chat.
The way folks seemed to process Pelosi’s recent no impeachment comments as tacit acknowledgement no collusion charges are coming (not what she said) got me to thinking if I was Nancy Pelosi and I wanted to lull Trump into a false sense of complacency, get him to do something stupid…
Well, yeah, newly emboldened after Miz Lindsey got finished swanning around saying that there should be no Mueller report until Hilary!!! or else, “hell to pay”
Eric is the one with bad teeth, not that I have any room to speak. The both have slicked back hair. Bad combovers in training.
The animal torturer is Sarah Huckabubba’s brother.
Kate Riga wins today.
Back to beating the same old dead horses.
But of course I forgot about the big game hunting. Sick fucks
The Liar in Chief is at it again. The GOP loves it. They eat it up as they cower in fear.
Some leadership.
Run for office, folks, especially the Senate and ESPECIALLY if you’re in Kentucky or Texas. We need to get those states back in the REAL America!
Admit it- wouldn’t you love to turn KY and TX blue? I just saw a survey showing only about 26% of Americans identifying as Republicans, so this is possible! Trump sure knows how to build (a Democratic Wave) doesn’t he.
Poor thangs.
Because you never investigate until there is proof of a crime. We all know that.
At last! The pivot I have been expecting as he turns to run away.
What she did when she announced there’d be no move YET to impeach was to shut down his rantings to his rally rubes. He’s said things like you can’t impeach somebody who’s doing a great job. The crowd roars.
He’s circling back to his claim yesterday that it was totally illegitimate for the FBI to start an investigation when there was no proof of a crime. Yeah, that’s literally what he said: no proof. We can only open investigations when the crime is already proven.