Now Trump is beginning to see what it’s like when your political opponents attack you back. Not like fighting Jeb! and Marco and the hapless Republican establishment is it?
“[S]poiled, unpatriotic drain on society” - He just dropkicked Trump through the goalpost.
Still on crutches from his spill at Wrigley. Wonder if Ricketts helped him out on the medical expenses?
He might need these to practice.
Going to miss you, Harry.
“The fact is, Donald Trump is nothing more than a spoiled, unpatriotic drain on society who has earned nothing and helped no one.”
If I was scoring, that would be a TKO.
Wow – epic takedown. Love it. Is there video?
More like a KTFO!
I’m hoping for a DNA test first …
Make sure he’s human —
I would, too, but I suspect he’s gonna transition from ‘Senate Minority Leader’ to ‘Prevalent cable news guest and general gadfly for the Legislature’.
Keep hammering away Harry, Liz and everyone else. I think he is about to blow.
I have a sad feeling that the only people that will be ringing up Reid post-Senate will be FauxSnooze to make him the “token liberal who gets his mic cut off a lot and/or shouted over a lot” on panels.
Most Republicans couldn’t pass a basic hearing and seeing test. Give Trump a Russian naturalization test. That he could pass.
What’s this about Ivanka vacationing with Putin’s girlfriend in Croatia? Why did she leave her kids as they were just going back to school? Doesn’t make sense. It almost sounds like they are meeting to pass along state secrets. Did Trump start getting those CIA and military briefings yet?
“Trump is wobbly. He’s ready to go. It’s ovah!! It’s ovah!!”
That CombOver isn’t human.
Don’t forget Reid was once the Nevada Gaming Commission chair. He had to deal with some odious folks who applied for gaming licenses. He even rejected Sinatra’s application.
I wonder if Meliana could pass Trump’s ideological test or would she have to plagiarize it.
Yep, this is NOT a bunch a losers. As a matter of fact, they WON elections, something he won’t be blue to do.
I know many around here have no love for Harry Reid, but I will miss the guy after he retires in January.
Now that the conventions are over, it’s time to look at the Electoral College, and likely voters instead of nationwide polls:
538 has Clinton over Trump, 369-169
PEC has it 340-198
TPM has it 335-180.
That’s what 7% means. A bigger margin would mean flipping more red states, like she seems to be on the verge of doing with Georgia (!) and Arizona.
Yep, follow RCP and 538 religiously. My comment was more wondering why such a significant portion of the electorate still swallows everything the Drumpster Fire spews out, even when that spew is widely, soundly, and repeatedly discredited…