Discussion: Travel Bans

This has nothing to do with Christianity. There are very few real practicing Christians in Indiana. Real Christians in the United States number around a few thousand. Following the teachings of Jesus Christ is one of the hardest spiritual paths to practice. That is why i am a Buddhist.


You’d have to get enough of the reerees in Indiana to agree to that.

According to numbers I saw posted here earlier, that’s not going to happen – the GOTea has the whole state lege rigged to where they could probably have an iron grip even with far, far less voters than they already have.

Well at least they have revealed themselves as derp filled and out of touch.

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Burn, baby, burn!

Well, not so sure about that — Walmart owns Arkansas. Not that they’d pull up and move out, but when Walmart speaks, the Arkansas body politic listens. We’ll have to see what happens next, but the point is well taken: it’s hard to boycott a place that’s already substantially ignored. It’s like boycotting Somalia.

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What would Jim do?

If Christ were here there is one thing he would not be – a Christian.
– Mark Twain, Notebook

There has been only one Christian. They caught him and crucified him – early.
– Mark Twain, Notebook (1898)


As a longtime Indiana resident Pence is seeming more inept by the day. He signed this on Thursday with prior warnings from some of the state’s biggest employers. Friday it was clear this was a national and international PR disaster and was damaging to the state’s economy. Sunday Pence goes on the talk show circuit ill prepared and refusing to answer direct question. Tuesday Pence is on Hannity blaming the “liberal media” for misrepresenting him. It seems Pence could reverse about 50% of the damage done by either killing the bill or adding LGBT protections. He won’t consider either of those. Instead he’s going with a weak amendment to “clarify intent.” The intent is clear and Pence’s own non-answers show sanctioned discrimination was the purpose, and he can’t present one coherent argument to support his position. The amendment may undo 10% of the damage done.
A real leader even after having made a colossal mistake like this would act quickly to minimize damage to the state he’s charged with running, but not Mike Pence!

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Keep all these bans in place until the citizens of the state dump Pence and the other bigots that pass this UNCHRISTIAN crap

And then made him the mascot for their theocracy.

Yes, it’s amazing how quickly he imploded. The past few years I’ve heard people say he’d be a good presidential contender, but he seems to be a real lightweight.

There are several petitions for Pence’s resignation getting signatures. Unfortunately Indiana doesn’t have a recall process so Pence would have to step down voluntarily. It’s clear from his interview with “great Americun” Hannity yesterday that Pence is incapable of admitting his colossal mistake.
