Discussion: Trailing Clinton, Trump Declares He Doesn’t ‘Believe The Polls Anymore’

Yep, never gamble more than you can stand to loose. I’m part of the HRC campaigns GOTV as well.

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Well, President Wallace may have had a point… /s

I feel this is a general GOP trend anymore really. Last election they talked about yard signs and rallies too. The thing to keep in mind is that the people at rallies still count as the electorate. They are your base. They are accounted for in the polls. Just given Trumps issues the ones that show up are a higher percentage of his total percentage.

He is losing pretty badly. Still not totally sure what is up with Ohio in terms of some of the recent polls. Does not matter too much if things keep the way they are but do not know what is up with that one.

This is just safe room talk.

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He’s (probably, more than likely) going to lose by an even larger margin, except, one should still cast a wary eye on those who won’t vote because they think Clinton will win anyway, or feckless millennials who can’t be bothered.

(A student employee of mine told me that many young folks she knows were no longer registered after the primary, but weren’t bothering to re-register at all. That’s worrisome, but at the same time, exactly what I figured.)


Entirely predictable. He is a narcissist. He is totally incapable of processing negative information rationally. .


Polls bounce around depending on what is being reported when. Several more right leaning polls come in, Trump gets a bump. Tons of more left leaning polls, HRC gets big bounce. Don’t worry about the short term. Bottom line, Hillary is killing him. Take a look at the charts in Josh’s “Big Difference” post. And note that the polling data crunchers considered Obamas win to be a solid, predictable one.

This cake is baked. The rest is just normal election horse race coverage and jitters.

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I often wonder if Trump has ever voted before in a Presidential election? Something tells me he has been a sporadic voter at best.

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Many people are saying that this is an example of the kind of paranoia that is common among who share Trump’s cocaine addiction. I don’t know. It could be explained by his inability to comprehend the reality of his loosing the election as a result of his narcissistic personality disorder but many are saying that it is his cocaine addiction that is the driving force. I am just saying.

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That’s pretty easily checked. Voter records are public documents. They will show name, address and voting history.


I don’t recall anybody looking or asking so far. They usually make an issue of it, or have in the past.

From your mouth to [insert deity of your choice]'s ear.


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Obscure Revolutionary reference! Nice.

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Article went up on DailyKos within past hour or so, with this headline:

Election blowing wide open! National: PRRI Hillary +15%, SurveyUSA +10%,Bloomberg +9%. State: AZ +5%

I eagerly await Trump’s response. As long as he does not start frothing. But given the past few weeks, I actually expect to see frothing at some point. Maybe it will happen tonight during the debate. Along with speaking in tongues. To insure the evangelical vote.


I highly doubt he’s capable of doing anything “gymnastic”-like, physically or mentally. Maybe mental belly flops.

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“Let’s say we’re tied, then how come we have thousands and thousands of people, thousands and thousands?” Trump asked his supporters.

I mean, where do you even start with this?

How foolish. Trump hired one of the best GOP pollsters, and is merely using her for eye-and-spokesperson candy. It would be one thing for him to say, our polls differ. He doesn’t, he just doesn’t like disagreeable polls.

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