Discussion: Top Trump Aide Rick Dearborn To Leave White House Early Next Year

He doesn’t just want to tear families apart, he’s doing it every day.



It might suggest there’s a certain level of the political/managerial class that’s more mindful about reputation and public service than most people think. I’ve known a lot of people in that world over the years, and most of them are pretty professional and have the public welfare in mind most of the time. I’ll swear to that in any court in the land. There are definite bad apples at the lower level but I think for many of the higher ones there’s been a Macbeth-like corrupting process happening. It’s like Brennan’s traitorous path, that you don’t know you’re on in the beginning. But it says something good about this country that so many did remain professional and stayed out of the swamp.


trumpp expected that there was something like a permanent staff when he began his occupation of the WH, had no clue that he had to appoint new people, and there are still countless numbers of positions still needed to be filled in the top tiers. This guy’s departure makes about about number 30, voluntarily or otherwise. In the same time period about six people left the Obama administration.


I thought that the shame emotion was deleted if one went to work for Trump?


I’m crossing my fingers in hope that Trump forgets to sign the fucking bill—again.


footnoted please, with those wearing wires at the going away party???


The ceremony include the Sharpie signed bill and the waving of the document in front of cameras is being scheduled as we speak.


Remember the days when we kept on reading stories that “Al Qaeda’s #2” had just been captured or killed? I’m feeling some deja vu.

Also, before he joined the campaign, he was chief of staff to Jeff Sessions, then still a senator, when the latter met twice with Sergey Kislyak in 2016.

Suspicious? Maybe.

As for how much of a player he was (or is) in any conspiracy or cover-up, I don’t think it’s clear, yet.


Looking at his picture (and that tie), I’d say he just night have a future on the Geek Squad.

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A bar some people thought Kelly was able to clear. Some people were wrong. Kelly is a Trump/KKK true believer.


What I wonder is if he’d personally take a bribe, or work for the Russians. I think it’s possible he’s closing his eyes to what others did for the sake of the nihilist version of so-called conservatism we know he believes in.


There is no other version of conservatism.
Nor will there be.


Maybe not personally take a bribe but he is already working for the Russians by working for Trump. He probably tries to tell himself he is doing it for the good of the USA but if that were ever true, I don’t believe it is true now. He is 100% in. He and Flynn have something in common, they both thought they were better than they are. Flynn is going down as a traitor and time will tell with Kelly.


By which I mean to distinguish it from other versions of conservatism that may linger in the public mind. Pretty sure I haven’t expressed any strong hopes or expectations that the high-end intellectual tradition reaching back to Burke will revive and assert itself any time soon.


You have to assume that if Kelly regards himself and his purposes as moral and public-spirited he’s seriously deluding himself. Absolutely no getting around that. But as you say, time will tell. He may turn out, like Comey, to be a complicated and conflicted person who’s not 100 percent a stock character from a melodrama. But I don’t see history being very kind to him. If he helps keep us out of nuclear war that would be a point in his favor. As you say, we’ll see. : ) Have a nice holiday.



More power for Stephen Miller, just what the county DOES NOT NEED.


That tradition died a painful but quiet death in 1980.


Thank you, mattinpa. I wish you the same and a healthy and happy new year.