Discussion: Top Senate Intel Dem: 'No Excuses' For Don Jr., 'Lying Is Not A Rookie Mistake'

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In the Trump Temple, lying is a sacrament … to create an America friendlier to conservatives, by washing itself of its atheist Satan-worshiping browns, libs, “defectives” and the democrat party in a thousand year rule.


When it is in your DNA lying is pathological.

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Go for it Senator. Maybe someday the people who elected our whack-job “President” will come to realize that he and his kin are all pathological liars and con-men, . . . and, oh yes, con-women.


Lying is not a rookie mistake.

In Jr’s fleece padded world, lying has always worked before. Has he ever been held accountable for his actions? Has anyone in the family? The yes people this family surrounds itself with have always bought their BS. The cold shower of reality may truly be a shock to this sorry excuse for a man.


And they have been lying for months and months and months…

Donald John Trump Jr. is a 39 year old “grown ass man” There should be ZERO tolerance for this - none of this “oh poor baby, he is unfamiliar with the ways of the world” - a 39 year old graduate of Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania knows full well what is legitimate and what is not - and if he is ignorant of the law - it is irrelevant.

At this very moment there are 18 -19 - 20 year old servicemen & women who are charged with various responsibilities that directly or indirectly have a right and a wrong side - and mistakes can impact foreign relations - and if they make a seriously bad decision … and F-up out of ignorance or stupidity - they get court martial-ed and can see jail time - lots of it.


Lyin’ Donny.
Lyin’ Baby Donny!

You lie on your SF-86, you lose your security clearance. Why do Baby Trump and Kushner still have a clearance?


We’re going to see just how quickly Fox and the usual right-wing blowhards either abandon trump or decide that colluding with russia was the act of a truly powerful,. brilliant man thinking outside the box to make sure that a woman who wore pantsuits never reached the oval office.

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If it is Treason - if it was frank collusion - if specifics of “this for that” were discussed & agreed upon …

Trump cannot be allowed to simply throw up his hands - walk away Twittering that he got railroaded - by ‘Fake News’

NO - it may be necessary that a trial must happen - that every gory detail must be laid out

but at the end - if painfully guilty

  • will it be necessary to ponder whether Trump should face the fate of the Rosenbergs?

Dream on. Here’s a secret: They already know, and THEY DON"T CARE. Trump supporters are a personality cult that fully embraces the Führerprinzip. Basically, they don’t care about anyone else. They are the original “Fuck your Feelings” gang. You might as well try to convince them that professional wrestling is fake.


It it will assuredly only get worse as Robert Mueller digs into the real meat and the crack team he has assembled get their teeth into this criminal enterprise.



They adore Trump because he gives them permission to hate Democrats, liberals, RINOs, anyone and everyone they want to hate, ignore or attack at the moment. He is their collective id unleashed.


Exactly, and this is precisely why we need to stop worrying about whether they’ll turn on him. His core 50% or so of the Republican Party won’t turn on him when the Peepee tape is released, when his kids are arrested, and no matter what is revealed in Mueller’s investigation. But fuck em. We don’t need them. All we need is for Democrats to vote in large numbers. That’s it. His trash life voters will just go back to slamming heroin and smoking meth.


“Lying is not a rookie mistake,” Warner wrote. “We now know the denials of contacts with Russians that we’ve heard during the campaign, transition & administration are all patently false.”

Junior is not a rookie at lying - he’s just not very successful at it. Maybe he needs to go back to Triple A to work on his swing - not ready for the Big Leagues. And the rest of the gang may get an early off-season, too.


Lying Is Not A Rookie Mistake, it should only be done by experienced cheaters like your old man…

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Yep. They don’t care about the lying, the Russia thing (“they are white, like us, and they are allowed to beat the shit out of gay people”).

So, don’t let the issue settle into a pro-Trumpp vs. anti-Trumpp groove with the usual lineup on each side. Frame the Russian co-conspirators. Start talking about facts that solidly favor us. The Russian political leaders are full partners with Russian criminal gangs that bring tremendous harm to the US. Talk about Russian hackers stealing credit card information. Talk about Russian gangs distributing heroin and opiate drugs that are decimating the lives of Americans in [insert appropriate region/city for your audience]. Talk about Russian mobsters who open up sham medical clinics and use them to defraud Medicare and Medicaid, stealing money that Americans need for their healthcare. Tell them that the Russian political leaders who had a man tortured to death for exposing government corruption now want to choose our political leaders.

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Has Carter Page been handing out his ultra special Flavor-Ade again?