Discussion: Top Obama Aide: Boehner Has 'Opened The Door' To Impeachment

Make sure you flag it.
That poster is attempting to derail this thread, like he always seems to do. Hopefully others will recognize his game


Yes it’s a big problem. One which the Senate has already addressed. Why won’t the House take up the senate bill? Pass their own version. Go to conference. You know, legislate. This ball is very clearly in Boehner’s court and for his spokesman to criticize the WH for playing political games while the border crisis is occurring truly buggers the imagination.


“We have a humanitarian crisis at our border, and the White House is making matters worse with inattention and mixed signals. It is telling, and sad, that a senior White House official is focused on political games, rather than helping these kids and securing the border,” Steel said.

Wow, talk about intentionally trying to divert from the topic and turn it around on Pfeiffer…

What he said had nothing to do with the immigration issue, rather he was correctly calling out the House’s ultimate intent — impeachment. The fact that Steel got all pearl clutchy and reached for the projection card is what is actually telling. And sad


You may not see it yet, nor does Boehner, but Steel does. And now you know.

ex animo

And you called it perfectly yesterday.
Hopefully more Dems will follow suit, because that IS what this lawsuit is all about.
They’ve been talking impeachment since the day he set foot into the White House (remember the birther bullshit). It’s escalated since and they are using the Obama Care as red meat for the masses. The immigration issue wasn’t even a factor and him bringing that up by trying to use the children yet pretending there is NOTHING Boehner can do about it is desperate and pathetic.

Tie the suit in with the calls for impeachment and we may have a massive Dem turnout this election.


Yawn. He’s not going to do any such thing, and if you’re listening to grifter extraordinaire Teddie Cruz, you’re insane.

If Congress wants their authority back, how about they DO SOME FUCKING WORK?


And tie it in with the GOP effort to take away birth control…


If they shutdown the government, how can they have a lawsuit, let alone impeachment proceedings? That’s like Putin, the cart before the horse.

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You, sadly, have not.


Instead of Clicking Here, I clicked “Flag for Inappropriate/Off-Topic” instead.


Even if these anti-American scumbags take over the Senate, they won’t have the 67 votes to convict the President of whatever it is they want to impeach him for. It will be the most expensive campaign stunt in history…all bought and paid for by working Americans.


In your sick masturbation fantasies.


Yet strangely we aren’t hearing from the “fiscal” conservative Teabaggers. The ones oh so concerned about the national debt and what our taxes are funding.

Hmmm…wonder why?

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Yes, it is… but you’ve mistaken which political group is the culprit.

And “click here” if you think anyone takes you seriously when you provide links to the breitbart site.


Boehner. What a level-headed guy! He’s standing up to his party by coming out against impeachment! Makes me trust him more. This lawsuit sounds like a rational response… impeachment would be too much. I mean, if this lawsuit gets any public support, and depending on what transpires from it, maybe Boehner would come around to impeachment. But I bet that would be after a lot of quiet contemplation and soul searching since impeachment is such a serious affair and Boehner, as he’s showing, is such a level-headed and serious leader.

Please! Don’t hide Davey Boy’s crazy rantings! Please!!!


‘Leftests’… ? You drinking early today?


I think it’s more complicated than ‘simply’ Boehner ‘opening the door to impeachment’.

For starters, I think both the WH and House Dem leadership would rather face a near future of dealing with a Speaker Boehner, fully clothed in cowardice and plasticity, than with just about anyone else in the House Republicant Congress who might possibly be elected Speaker - because that group is comprised largely of yer Timmeh from Okie types, who’re entirely and unreservedly committed to one idea: “Let it burn.”

It’s not in the least remotely possible that the WH kinda LIKES this lawsuit - how it’s set up, what it allows the administration to argue before the courts, how long it takes such lawsuits to wind their way up to the SCOTUS, the fact that the DC Circuit Court of Appeal is now decidedly Democratic-nominee populated, and what recent history has told us about the FATE of such lawsuits (that mostly the administration can, at worst, run out the clock on them) - as a weird sort of ‘check’ on the Tea Party and Toilet Bowl Licker crowds’ lust for impeachment. There are, after all, only 3 choices here: the impeachment process dominating the last quarter of Obama’s administration, something like this sort of lawsuit, and the TP/TL Caucus suddenly becoming enlightened - of which the last is by far the least likely.

And finally I agree with the idea that the WH political office - Pfeiffer et al - is trying to convert the existence of this lawsuit into opportunities for Dem fundraising and as part of the GOTV effort.


“We have a humanitarian crisis at our border, and the White House is making matters worse with inattention and mixed signals. It is telling, and sad, that a senior White House official is focused on political games, rather than helping these kids and securing the border,” Steel said."

The President has requested additional funding from Congress to help deal with the problems at the border. He is currently meeting today with leaders from several Central American countries, specifically to address these issues.

Meanwhile, Boehner has not lifted a single finger to do anything. He hasn’t even scheduled a vote on the money the President requested. But he is holding the vote to go forward with an absurd, nonsensical lawsuit.

Seems pretty clear who is inattentive and sending mixed signals, but he isn’t in the White House.


Oh, I don’t really think Issa needed any such assistance. He’s perfectly incapable for doing anything on his own.