Discussion for article #230936
Thank you, rhetorical moderate/ legislative wing nut.
He doesn’t need the votes. He’s got the MSM eating out of this asscrack, so the grandstanding is working precisely as intended.
And somehow I knew it was going to be rhetorical moderate/legislative wingnut Tom Coles saying this without even clicking on the story.
I will say, however, that I’m rather confounded by how it can be that the last Republican rhetorical moderate left in the House is from Oklahoma. Among their base voters, how a representative votes is irrelevant and only the immoderation of one’s rhetoric makes one worthy of high office. Does he represent some previously unknown liberal-for-Oklahoma enclave?
“There’s always folks on the right that are concerned that any bill,…”
Rep Cole, where were they from 2001 all the way trough 2008?
RINO LIbtard TOm Coles (Libtard-Socialist PARADIse of OklaHOMa) NEEds to UNderstaND that Ted Cruz IS the VOICE of thE REPUBlicaN partY and MUSt REaLIZE tHE oNLY wAY wE’re GOINg to Fix aMERica IS if WE taKE are BALL and GO HOME!!1!!!1!!!one!!!
I, too, share your mystification.
Cruz and his TEDophiles are the voices in the heads of the RightWing…
No, I’m sure anyone-- say-- Jeffrey Dahmer-(R Norman)-- gets the lever pulled just cuzza’ the ®.
If nothing else, the ®eptilian amygdala is predictable.
Yep. And now watch the media kowtow to Cruz as soon as they can. As a result Cruz gets invited to appear on the Sunday talk shows this week or next.
That can’t mean that Rafael is grandstanding?
Sure, but why hasn’t some righteous tea partying gun brandishing cosplay patriot arisen to launch a primary smiting of him for his apostasy?
I bet they do need Democratic votes to pass it in the House.
Hive mind?
Collective IQ sub-90?
No one else in OK has figured out this Election-for-profit scheme yet?
(Except Inhofe, Coburn, and 4 other no-names.)
All probable!
Dunno about that. The Hastert rule is still in place.
A shot across the bow of the Cruz ship?
Here is the thing…he/they are going to try to give the appearance of governing for the next two years as a build up to the 2016 campaign.
I suspect, however, it won’t work…because nothing has changed that I can see that is going to give the establishment leverage over their tea party crazies.
So while people like Boehner (Cole is one of his few, sometimes allies) may want to seem reasonable, the TPer’s are not going to buy into any of that.
For a bill that averts a shutdown? It took Democratic votes last time to restart it.
Looks that way to me, too.