Discussion: Top Dems To WH Counsel: Turn Over Any Comey Tapes, Records About His Firing

While a proper impeachment would be interesting, we’ve seen that before. I’d prefer that this corrupt so-called President spend his sunset years in a Federal prison.


“We also request all documents, memoranda, analyses, emails, and other communications relating to the President’s decision to dismiss Director Comey,”

What is this ‘request’ shit? The word is ‘DEMAND’ and right fucking now.


THAT’S they way to play it Dems!!! Nice job.


We’re at the “Sternly Written Letter” stage.


I’m sure the letters will be followed by subpoenas when there are no responses to those letters.

Let the games begin!!!


The entire point is to establish that there is something with which Whiny cannot fuck.


Dems don’t have subpoena power.

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Can ranking members of committees subpoena documents from the WH?

The epic troll will be when the Russians publish the audio recordings their photographer picked up from the White House earlier this week.


I guess I stand corrected.

The Standard Operating Procedure in the Whiny White House


WHOA! That’s a big URL!

“Executive Privilege! 5th Amendment!! Some other legal hocus-pocus!!!”

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Which is, of course, why your comment about the “Sternly Written Letter” is bullshit.


Can’t put him on trial and imprison him until he’s been impeached, removed or forced to resign. (And, also, not pardoned. Don’t think for a minute he’s not fully capable of pardoning himself.)

Can he?
Not that I don’t think he won’t try.

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Without the power to issue subpoenas, the word “demand” would only make them look weak and ridiculous.

Subpoenas may be issued by the House Intelligence Committee by majority vote or by the chairman on his own initiative “in consultation” with the minority leader.



Yes. He may not know it yet, but someone will tell him he can pardon anyone he wants, himself included. At the time the FBI is being buzzed through the gates with a handful of arrest warrants for everyone else, if not sooner.

It would be awesome beyond belief if he only found out he could have done it after he’s serving time. Imagine his red faced rage as he sits there in the rec room, orange jumpsuit rather than orange skin, hyoogely expensive hair weave gone and replaced by white old man fringe. But if the universe was that good to us, he wouldn’t be president.


Do you think the (R) part of HIC will issue subpoenas? Are they frightened enough by the pResidentEvil that they will do what’s best for the country?

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“We also request all documents, memoranda, analyses, emails, and other communications relating to the President’s decision to dismiss Director Comey,” they added.

Don’t forget the post-it notes, that’s the correct size for the amount of information Trump can digest.