Discussion: Top Democrats Torch Christie For Proposing Social Security Cuts

Okay, actually, you’re paying the benefits of current beneficiaries, not paying in to a pension account, and, if you retire when you’re supposed to and live as long as you’re supposed to, you’ll draw out a lot more than you put in. That’s the idea. Today’s workers support today’s retirees and future workers support the future’s retirees.That’s what puts the “social” in Social Security. Back when we called people who subscribed to today’s mainstream Republican ideology “Bircher kooks,” no one had a problem with that.


“Torch Christie” If only we could!

" the modern conservative is ingaged in one of mans oldest exercisess in moral philosophy; that is, a search for a superior moral justification for selfishness" John kenneth Galbrath


House’s top Budget Committee Democrat who was at the joint news conference, agreed. “Let me just associate myself with Senator Sanders’ remarks,” he[Maryland Rep. Chris Van Hollen] said…

Some Democratic proto-temerity festering in the Beltway!?!?!?!?
It’s a start.

the more the GOP candidates talk, the more I think Hillary could take 2015 off and still cruise into the White House in 2016.

I actually agree with the CONCEPT. If we can’t get the 1% to share, cut off their social security. And yes, I know $80k/yr isn’t a 1%er, but there are many more $24k/yr people out there who REALLY need the $$.